Chapter 47

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The following days Rin spent just hanging around the hideout. She was not exactly sure what the group was doing, though she never actually asked anyone. Toga told her a little about what she had been doing. But honestly getting the girl to talk about anything other than some boy and girl about her age that she seemed to know, or thinks she knows was hard. Apparently she had met the boy earlier and had apparently developed some form of a crush. Though border line stalkerish feelings felt more accurate to the red head. The girl, Toga had fallen in love with after her last mission.

Twice and Mr. Compress were far more willing to talk work than the crazy girl. They had no issues telling her about Shigaraki's plans to try to get the group some much needed money. And much needed it really was. Rin was quickly growing tired of cold showers with no heat or electricity and the cheap stolen meals. Still she was not sure if her lack of involvement was due to Shigaraki not trusting her, Dabi not wanting her in the field or some other stupid reason. But honestly she could not even wear pants yet still so she was not going to complain about being kept locked up.

Though apparently not everyone enjoyed that the woman decided to just walk around without pants. At least she wore one of Dabi's long torn up shirts that covered most of her ass and panties.

"You really need to put on some damn pants," Was the growl that had come from Spinner the one day she was walking around the base in just a shirt and her panties. Apparently Rin had no longer given any shits about being nearly naked in front of anyone.

"Don't like it, don't look," She had barked back as she had been walking past the oversized lizard and happily flipped him the bird at the same time. Should it have felt weird being eye candy for all the men? Maybe. But once again Rin had oddly stopped carrying or maybe she assumed no one would dare touch her for fear Dabi would roast them. Well everyone but Shigaraki. Apparently he was the one exception that Dabi would not stop. And knowing the two strongest members had her back did a fair number on upping her ego. She felt rather untouchable within the base with the knowledge no one would stop her from doing anything she wanted as long as it did not piss off either of said men. And so she fearlessly walked around with her body rather exposed.

"Awe Rin you're so brave walking around however you feel like," Toga had praised her though it only made her softly arch an eyebrow at the young blonde.

"You make it sound like you're all shy. I think everyone here has seen you naked on a mission Toga," Rin had said flatly. That knowledge had not exactly sat the best with her after learning the blonde's quirk did not allow her to keep her own clothes when shapeshifting into other people. It also did not help that the young girl really was rather shameless.

"Yeah but that's not something I can control. I do not choose to end up naked. You on the other hand choose to walk around almost naked," Toga had argued back.

"Hey I'd put pants on if it wouldn't hurt like hell," Rin pouted softly, unable to help but reach back and run her fingers over the still sore skin. Wincing softly as her fingers touched the sore skin.

"I could give you one of my skirts," Toga had offered, though one simple glance down at the blonde's tiny hips and Rin was softly shaking her head.

"Thanks but I think my ass is too big. Your skirt wouldn't cover anything. Nor would I be able to get it zipped up," she grumbled the last sentence to herself not wanting to admit that her waist was also not tiny enough to do up the skirt in order for her to actually wear it.

"So where's Shiggy? I have not seen him around lately," Rin had said, recalling she had not seen the man since he had paid her that mid night visit.

"He's talking with The Doctor," Toga answered, which only had Rin look at her oddly. She has been with the league for weeks if not months. And she had no idea who that was.

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