Chapter 53

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Once feeling returned to her body she groaned softly. She hurts even more now. A line from one hip across to the other was left on her body thanks to the sharp edge of the counter. Her ass was still burning softly as she stood up and shifted back from the counter so she could lean down to pull her panties back up her legs first. She hissed though as the material rested against the lines of burns along her right ass cheek. Bending her body backwards the best she could she tried her hardest to see what Dabi had done to her rear end. But she couldn't see it clearly from just standing there.

"Dabi what the hell did you burn into my ass?" She called out with a pout before giving up to try and see her own backside and turned to glare at said man who already had his pants back in their place and looked like he had not just fucked her in the middle of the kitchen.

"Oh just my name," He said simply as if it was common sense. After all, what else would he burn into her pretty flesh? With his hand print on her left ass cheek and his name now carved into the skin of her right one, no one would ever be able to look at her and not know that she belonged to him and him alone. Even if he may share her from time to time she was still his at the end of the day and it was him who she came to for anything. She would always return to Dabi.

She remained silent after being told it was his name that he had branded into her skin. After all, what was there to say? It hurt some, yes. But pain was nothing new for her. If anything being branded as his was rather flattering. It had her shivering in pleasure as she started on washing the dishes that she had dirtied while making their meal.

"Where is everyone?" She finally asked as she was washing one of the last pots. Glancing over at him she watched his shoulders shrug. She looked at him with a look that screamed that she was not amused and that was not the answer she wanted either.

"Twice is probably with Toga. He's been babying her even more than normal since we got here. Who knows about Spinner or Mr. Compress. Shigaraki is either talking with the Doc or with Re-Destro," Dabi finally told her after she shot her unimpressed look at him and he caved in to her. At that she let up with the look and softly nodded her head to herself.

"Alright. Well where do you think Toga and Twice are?" She asked looking over at Dabi as she dried her hands. He frowned at her not liking where this was going. He wanted to go back to their bedroom and just enjoy fucking her some more. But it seemed he was not going to get his wish and that had him pouting.

"They are probably either in her room or one of the main rooms on our private floor of the villa," Dabi finally relents with a pout on his lips.

"Well then let's go find them. I want to check on Toga myself and see how she is doing. Did they bring in a healer at all?" She asked as she strolled out of the kitchen with Dabi following after her as he pouted.

"They brought some nurses in and the Doc. You don't gotta worry about them," Dabi said. She wasn't sure if she believed him, she may love him but that did not mean she trusted him to tell her the truth.

"Still I want to see them with my own eyes. My body is too worn out to be able to use my quirk any more today anyways. But after a few days I should be back to normal and I should then be able to try and speed up their healing," She said simply as she started to retreat back the way they had come. She had after all tried hard to memorize the room that she had woken up in and where it was from the kitchen. She didn't have a map, and so she would have to try and memorize the layout of the place instead. And lucky for her she just needed to remember the floor that she had been on and the area since it sounded like the floor she had woken up on was a rather private one.

Dabi still let out a grunt of annoyance as she walked away from him and forced him to follow after her. But he had long ago learned that the red head was a stubborn woman. And for once Dabi did not feel like actually picking a fight with said woman and so he sped up his stride a little till he caught up with her and once again he slung his arm possessively over her shoulders and kept her nice and close to him. After all he wanted all those around them to see her and know that she was his and no one else's. Though he was sure his little mouse would always come scurrying back to him if anyone else dared to try and do anything to her. After all, Dabi tried to make sure she was nice and reliant on him or the league.

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