Chapter 35

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Well not one part of that conversation had gone the way Rin anticipated for it to. And oddly, she found Overhaul a harder person to understand, he confused her all the more as she talked with him. Like he came himself to try and sooth her? Okay sure she was acting like a spoiled kid but still. The head of the Yakuza surely wouldn't come talk with some random woman just to try and be polite. He didn't strike her as that kind of person to put others above himself. No he did it gain something. But what? Surely he wouldn't tell her if she asked. He made it clear already he only answered her questions that he wanted to answer and ignored the others.

"Well I'm sure you're a busy man with being such a young head of a Yakuza group. I think I've taken up enough of your time," that was her professional voice and way of telling him to leave. The few short months she spend working at the hospital had taught her very quickly how to remain sounding calm and professional while telling people to fuck off. And she did not hesitate to use that skill now while talking with the man in front of her.

And apparently that tone of voice did not go unnoticed by Overhaul as Rin watched his eyes squint a little at her. His lips pressed together and he seemed to be trying very hard not to just snap at her.

"Fine, I will leave. But I expect this childish behaviour of yours to end. Dinner will be brought up within the hour. If you do not wish to see me a second time tonight I would suggest you eat," his voice was calm and cold as he glared at her with those bright gold eyes of his.

"Fine. But remember Overhaul remove the camera from my room or I'll do it myself and you will not have working cameras any more," she growled, refusing to back down. Which in turn stirred a number of different feelings within Kai as he watched the woman stand before him and cross her arms over her chest. No one ever threatened him. His natural reaction was to lash out. But he had no desire to actually hurt her, which also irritated him. What was it with this annoying woman that drew him into her? He had to know the answer.

"Do whatever you wish after all as I have said before you are not a prisoner. You're here as a loyal dog to Shigaraki. Just remember if you leave I no longer have to hold up my end of the deal," was the threat he gave before he turned and left the room not allowing her to say anything to the rude comment or the threat.

She felt like ripping her hair out as her fingers roughly ran through her hair and over her scalp as she growled to herself. What an asshole. She almost wanted to chase after him and chew his ass out. First off she was no one's dog, there was nothing stopping her from walking out that door and through Overhaul's little secret base and out into the world. Actually now that she paused for a second there really was no reason for her not to leave. She could leave Overhaul and Shigaraki behind. Return home, pack her bags and just leave the country. Why not? What was keeping her in this hell hole?

She almost didn't even realize she had reached for the door handle before she found herself pausing. Leaving would mean she wouldn't see Dabi again. Not Toga, Twice or Mr. Compress. Why did that thought make her hesitate so much? Why did that thought make her chest hurt? Dragging her feet she moved over to throw herself onto the bed face first with a groan. Overhaul was right, she was a loyal dog after all. She wouldn't be able to bring herself to leave and disappoint those she valued. Though when in the world did she become attached to a bunch of villains?

Ugh all these confusing feelings were making her head hurt and her chest ache at the reminder she couldn't see any of them any time soon. She wondered if Dabi was even aware that for the last twenty four hours she had been gone. Did he know? Or better yet did he care? She could just imagine him shrugging his shoulders at Kurogiri for informing him that she had left under orders of Shigaraki to deal with keeping Overhaul happy. Hmmm sent from one man child to the next, she really was starting to feel like a full time babysitter.

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