Chapter 29

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The fine had been surprising, as were the strings that had come with it. Though Rin should have expected that. After all, she should have known Shigaraki would never have let her leave on her own. But to find herself walking the empty streets with the pale haired man beside her was expected. He was in a deep blue hoodie with the hood pulled up and into his face keeping him rather well hidden. She didn't feel as much need to hide herself. After all it seemed clear when All Might had crashed the bar she was unknown. They didn't seem to have any idea who she was which seemed stupid on their part. It still pissed her off and made her blood boil that no one noticed she was gone. She was once a pro hero's sidekick, saw tragedy, and then turned to the medical field. Sure she had never made any big name for herself or worked with anyone who was a big name but still to think her work didn't even realize she was missing. It was enough to do more than irritate her. In one sense it was devastating, in another it made her angry. She was just tossed aside as if no one cared.

Was this what the league had experienced? Was this their shared ground? And the reason Shigaraki had been so interested in her? Thinking she was a similar soul? She wasn't sure but she couldn't deny her vision of heroes was quickly changing. And she wasn't sure how she felt about that.

"I am curious. Why did you decide to come with me? You could have sent anyone to babysit me," she asked softly, ensuring if anyone was close they hopefully wouldn't be able to make out her soft voice. But the man walking beside her was quick to glance over at her as she spoke up. She expected him to tell her to shut up or just refuse to answer so when he did she was a bit surpsied.

"I simply wanted out of that damn hideout," well it was a simple enough reason. And who was she to question it. After all, he actually answered her instead of getting upset with her. She softly nodded her head at the answer and let it go as she watched his left hand raise up and softly scratch at his neck a little.

With that she let the conversation drop once more allowing the two of them to walk the streets silently and move around without drawing any real attention to themselves. Which was the main idea after all it wouldn't be good if someone recognized at least Shigaraki. If hero's showed up and started a fight in the middle of the street it would be devistating for all the bystanders in the area. After all Shigaraki's disintegration quirk was not one to take lightly. He could do a lot of damage to people around him who are innocent civilians before he could be caught. That is if he was even caught. Rin imagined that Kurogiri was a simple speed dial away and a portal would open in a heart beat wisking the villain away.

Rin also took this chance to take in her surroundings. The streets where not ones she knew. And sadly she had no idea where within Japan they even were. She had no way of currently knowing that she was somewhere within Musutafu. The area was foreign to her. Which forced her to trust that Shigaraki knew where he was going to take her to her destinations. She needed to find a pharmacy, that would be the embarrassing purchase. Nothing like buying birth control with a rather socially awkward man. Then she was hungry some actual food would be heaven after the string of convenient store junk they had been living off of for who knows how long. Had it been two weeks or three? Maybe it had only been a single week? Rin was loosing sense of her days. She was just happy that Shigaraki had not taken her wallet. He had left her with the cash she had in it. Not a lot but enough she could buy what she needed at least. She may not have anything left but oh well.

With that thought she spotted a small little pharmacy come into view down the road. Silently she turned her attention to the door and made her way towards it with the pale tall shadow behind her softly scratching at his neck as she entered the building right behind her.

"What are we doing here?" He asked under his breath as he stuck rather close to her, much closer than she would have liked.

"I need a few things. Some basic first aid supplies would be helpful. I can't do my job well if I don't have the proper items," she said trying to make it sound as gamer lingo as she could but it was a bit tricky. With that she grabbed herslef some basic painkillers, bandages and disinfectant. Though the painkiller where more so for herself. She could be rather sore some days after Dabi was done with her. Though she still had not had a chance to make her way to the back and ask for her prescription yet. That was going to be the worst part as she couldn't think of a way to get the man to back off a little. She was just going to have to bite the bullet and do it.

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