Chapter 4

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Oh how Dabi was clearly enjoying watching the woman squirm and try to hide from his eyes as he sat on the couch watching her tightly grip the towel that was the only thing covering her body from his gaze. Her embarrassment was easily visible as a solid pink flush had gone from one cheek over her nose and up the other cheek, even her ears had started to heat up. And Dabi was just simply enjoying this as he watched her as she went from embarrassment to anger as he simply sat back and didn't even hide his entertainment.

"I'll take your silence as you're not going to help me, that's fine I'll just turn your towel into something to wear," she threatened with a hiss as Dabi simply let out a deep chuckle.

"Don't get your panties in a knot," he said as he chuckled and pushed himself up to his feet before he strolled over towards her before a wide grin pulled at his lips as he looked down at her, "that is if you're even wearing any."

She wasn't sure if she was looking at him in disgust or embarrassment or a mixture of both as she wasn't even sure what to say to the man and his rather blunt words. He sure as shit spoke his mind and it seemed he liked to enjoy watching people's reactions to his blunt words. As he stepped closer she found herself stepping back wanting to get away from the man as she didn't trust him at all nor did she wish to be close to him even if she wasn't nearly naked.

"You're a cocky son of a bitch aren't you," she hissed at him trying to keep herself from shivering under his hard gaze after a moment of pause as she hadn't been sure how to reply to him.

"Oh little mouse you don't know the half of it," he said with a deep chuckle as he watched her.

"What ever you gonna lend me some cloths or not?" She asked glaring up at him as he watched her with that wide shot eating grin on his lips.

"Oh but I think I'd rather watch you walk around naked," he mused still grinning down at her.

"That's fine I'll just go help myself to your closet then," she growled up at him. He still looked so entertained even as she rudely attempted to help herself to his cloths not even caring if rummaging through his closet would be rude. He didn't have the decensecy to let her live her life in peace so she didn't see a reason to be nice to the man who was keeping her a prisoner.

"Alright alright little mouse I'll get you some clothes just calm down," he said laughing as he walked past her and headed towards his bedroom. She wasn't sure if she should be following him but she did. She kept herself a good two steps behind him trying to stay out of his arms reach.

She followed him down the hall before she hesitated in the doorway of his room. He strolled into the room without a care while she lingered in the doorway before slowly walking into his room. It felt all sorts of wrong to be stepping into a strange man's wrong. And even worse over the fact she was nearly naked. It didn't help that she did not trust Dabi at all as she stood back watching him closely.

"For a helpless little mouse you're really trying to glare daggers into my back," came a deep chuckled remark from the man as he walked over towards his closet not even looking back at her. Though it's not like he needed to, her gaze had been glaring at him the entire time. If looks could kill he would have been six feet deep already.

"Maybe I'm hoping if I glare hard enough one will materialize," she hissed at him, still standing a ways back in the middle of his room not taking her eyes off of him for a second even if she was curious to look around the room.

"Feisty for a mouse," he said with a laugh as one of his cool blue eyes glanced over his shoulder to watch her stand there as she crossed her arms over her chest while one hand continent to hold the towel tightly not risking losing it.

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