Chapter 24

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So much for exploring her new home. The second she exited the bathroom she had found herself being dragged along back to the main large room where a handful of crates and other things sat. Glancing around she noticed a small handful of people bit into the room either. Though she remembers seeing Magne and Spinner off in their own little places hidden in the warehouse. Toga was comforting an upset Twice who was sitting in the corner with his mask off for a minute. It was actually a bit surprising to see the face beneath the mask even as the blonde man cried that he was splitting in two before Toga had forced the mask back over his head.

In a way it was odd watching how the league all interacted. It was like watching a family, it was clear that many of the members cared for one another. Kurogiri watched over Shigaraki like a helicopter mother, Toga was a caring young sister worried about a brother. It was oddly so warming to see, so civil. It almost made it hard to remember that these people were murderers.

Though as she glanced around she noticed one person was missing from their normal position, or at least where she had seen him when she was last in the room. Mr. Compress was missing from the big main room.

"Where's Mr. Compress?" She found herself vocally saying the question that had filled her mind.

"Oh he went out to get some much needed supplies," Dabi answered her simply as he walked beside her into the room. His hand stuffed into his pants pockets without a care in the world. Then again he did just get his dick wet so of course the pyro was in a good mood. Oh how Rin wanted to slap that smug look on Dabi's face as he nearly dragged her across the large room and then proceeded to pop his ass down on the floor leaning his head back against the wall. Rin had simply chosen to stand there softly glaring down at the man who was apparently trying to make himself more comfortable along the wall. When she didn't make a move to join him and try to relax herself he frowned softly and his hand as always shot out. Though this time grabbing her wrist he ripped her down and off her feet.

Rin couldn't stop the noise of surprise that escaped her as she found herself not on the floor but actually sitting in Dabi's lap. Which was a surprise as she didn't expect the odd gesture from him. After all Dabi had never once been much of a cuddler but for the five minutes the one time he had been high and drunk and pretty much pinned her to him and then his bed. But she had assumed it was the drugs in his system that time that had him acting in such a way.

But now she was sitting in his lap, her back pressed up against his chest. His one arm wrapped around her waist as the other had kept a grip on her wrist as if she may try to struggle out of his grip. Though she just froze up instead, unsure of how to react to the odd action.

"Dabi?" She squeaked out his name not even hiding her questioning tone as she looked over her shoulder at the dark haired man.

"Just shut up and relax," was the reply she got back in her ear. Which really didn't help as her body remained stiff as a board, after all it was odd to be showing such a cuddly position in front of others. It was unsettling in such a number of ways, first Dabi was never someone to cuddle or even really show affection. Second, the fact that he was doing this in front of people also made her feel uneasy.

Dabi even rested his head on her shoulders as they sat there with her in his lap the two of them almost looking like they could have been some lovey dovey kind of couple. But once again Rin had come to the conclusion that this was yet another way for Dabi to show off that he supposedly owned her as he mailed to call it. It was his way to show off she was his. It didn't help either; she was pretty sure Shigaraki was glaring at the duo. Was it because of the public affection? Or something else that had the pale haired man glaring at them? Rin had a feeling that it was just Dabi being possessive once again which had irritated Shigaraki.

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