Chapter 27

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The peace was wonderful but Rin knew it wouldn't last forever and of course it didn't. She knew to be careful when she found herself alone or even off to the side. It had felt odd trying to keep herself engaged with everyone. It felt nice to be able to breathe some simple air without having someone else around. But of course it seemed the second she could have some space and take a deep breath she could hear his heavy boots on the cement floor before she looked over at the dark haired male who had been watching her for the past week from a distance.

"Go away Dabi," she hissed at him which in turn just had his lips pressed together even more.

"I've been giving you your space like Compress told me to but damn it. You can not keep running from me," he growled at her as he quickly closed the gap between them. Rin had back peddled trying to get away from him till her back hit the wall. Wait, did he just admit to asking Compress for advice? Oh well now wasn't the time to think about that as she tried to keep herself from panicking as she quickly found herself pinned and cornered by the dark haired man she had been desperately trying to avoid and also understand at the same time.

"Well I've been doing a good job so far," she mumbled, struggling to find the strength to not take a shaky breath. And of course his reply was a simple animalistic growl. The raw sound sent a shiver down her back.

"Well I'm tired of waiting," was the growl that came from the man.

The situation quickly brought back the memory of their last meeting. The words that were exchanged and worse yet the kiss she still couldn't explain. God damn it that kiss kept her up at night thinking. Dabi had never been a sensual person. Hell she was pretty sure the man had no clue how to truly treat a woman or any real person. She felt panic washing over her as she looked up at him, her breathing was quick. Her body felt like it wanted to shake under that intense blue gaze. Her lip found itself between her teeth as she nervously chewed at the soft skin.

That seemed to be the wrong action as it seemed those hypnotic blue eyes were quick to hone in on her lip that she was nervously chewing on. The look in his eyes sent a shiver up her back as if he was about to try and devour her. The two had grown silent, when had they become frozen and silent? She was panicked and he looked stiff and angry. And yet her curiosity once again was pulling the strings as she found herself opening her mouth. Maybe it was the panic and need to break the silence that actually had her open her mouth? She wasn't sure but she still found herself speaking.

"What are you tired of waiting for exactly?" She asked so softly unsure if he could have even heard her. And did she really want to know the answer?

"You!" Was the single word he growled at her after a far too long of a pause. She almost didn't even know if he was going to answer her or not. And had it not been for the fact that he was leaning in towards her she may have even missed his one single word to her.

"Me?" Was the squeak she gave as the confusion was clearly visible on her face. She didn't get it. The simple word didn't really answer her question. Sure he seemed to enjoy torturing her. But right about now it almost looked more like she was now the one torturing him.

It was odd seeing the mixture of emotions on the man's face. At first he seemed pissed with her. Which wasn't new to her. But then he looked confused, hurt, and just over all frustrated with the apparent mixture of unfamiliar emotions. But why was he feeling such emotions? It confused the hell out of the poor woman.

This was a dangerous situation, she could just feel it in the way those icy blue eyes watched her every movement like a snake about to strike. And there was no getting away from him or his venom. Clearly he didn't know how to comprehend his own emotions and it seemed she was once again going to be the one who was going to be on the receiving end of his anger and frustration. After all, she had spent the last number of weeks with the man, and she at least thought she knew how the man would react or what he would do.

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