Chapter 33

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Dabi didn't return even though most of his clothes were tossed around the room. And honestly she wasn't sure if he had much more than the two pairs of pants, and two shirts he had. It wasn't exactly like they all had a lot of clothes. Even her own wardrobe could all fit into a grocery bag. So she really wasn't in any position to talk about the man's lack of clothes. But this meant he was in just his pants and probably jacket since she couldn't see it anywhere around the bedroom. So then where had he run off to? And why?

She contemplated getting her ass up and dressed to go hunt for him or Shiggy but now the stone in her gut had her curling up in the old blanket still naked as she just stared at the door. Had she offended him? Maybe his scars were a touchy subject? Now her worries were eating away at her as she waited for him to return, not even intending to fall asleep as she did.

When she did wake the bed beside her was still empty, which only seemed to fuel that odd feeling in the pit of her gut. Why did it upset her so much that Dabi had not returned? It really shouldn't matter all they did was fuck. There were no ties and he was making that clear. And yet she couldn't deny it upset her as she sighed and forced herself out of bed and gathered some clean clothes before she left the bedroom.

She was on the hunt now to see if she could find either Dabi or Shigaraki now that she was up and awake. Though of course it seemed both idiots were gone. How annoying. Pouting, she made her way to the main room of the warehouse where Toga, Twice and Mr. Compress was standing around chatting. But no one else was in sight. Great, both men she wanted to see were gone. This sucked.

"Do you guys know where Shiggy or Dabi are?" She asked as she approached the three. Which Toga only shrugged not having a clue, Twice said he didn't know.

"Shigaraki is supposed to be meeting with that young yakuza bass at this moment I believe. As for Dabi I do not have a clue," well at least Compress was able to answer one of her questions. So Shiggy was busy with that man who had eyes like gold. While Dabi was MIA, yet that wasn't exactly new for him he would up and disappear all the time. He would be back eventually, Rin just had to just wait it out. That was the hard part; she did not want to wait for either man. She wanted to talk with them both, though for completely different reasons but still nonetheless she wanted to talk with them both.

"Thanks Mr. Compress," she said simply struggling to keep from pouting which in turn only made the older man chuckle.

"Shigaraki will be back soon. And hopefully with good news," of course Compress was happy to chat with the woman who had been his caretaker over the last while and who had nursed him back to health while also keeping him fed.

"Do you actually think there's a chance that Shigaraki will be able to negotiate with that man?" She asked softly with an arch of an eyebrow not even trying to hide her skepticism for the man's lack of social skills and the temper that he had. Kurogiri was no were to be seen so hopefully that meant he was with Shigaraki and able to keep the man child reeled in.

"It's hard to say. But I am sure no matter what the outcome Shigaraki will be victorious," that almost sounded more than the pale haired man had gone off to battle not to try and make a truce. So of course Rin gave Compress a skeptical look as he replied and then shrugged his shoulders at the look he received.

All Rin could do after that was sigh in annoyance and try to figure out what she wanted to do to pass the time as she waited for one or both men to return to the worn out building the League was currently calling home.

"Well if you see either of those two idiots tell them I want to see them," she said as she turned and left the small group of her colleagues? Was calling the league her colleagues the right word? They were not exactly much more than acquaintances, or at least most of them were not more.  And there was the fact that although she could agree with some of their values she couldn't deny she didn't completely agree with the method the group used. There was never a reason to kill a human. But she couldn't deny, they were right. The hero society had to be reformed, changes had to be made. But still she questioned just how far was too far to achieve their goals?

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