Chapter 20

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How many hours had it been since Rin started playing? They hadn't even changed games as Shigaraki seemed to be enjoying this one. And Rin apparently wasn't down right horrible. Sure he had gotten mad at her a time or two at the beginning but at least now he was no longer throwing dirty looks at her for every bad move she made. Maybe she simply made less bad moves or he got used to her crappy playing. Which one it was she didn't know. But it was actually a good deal of fun and was a nice change from the boredom that was sitting in her room all day and night when she would hide from Dabi.

It wasn't till the all familiar voice of Kurogiri that called out from the closed door in the hall that had the man hit pause on the game and growl softly. He had no desire to stop playing. But duty called.

"Shigaraki. The Vanguard Action Squad has returned and they were successful in obtaining Katsuki Bakugou," was all it took for Shigaraki to end the game and jump to his feet. He didn't say anything to her but she quickly climbed to her feet and followed after him. After all she was pretty sure this was Shigaraki's bed room and she had no desire to remain in his room alone as she followed after him as he headed to the door and swung it open to greet Kurogiri.

"About damn time," was the scratchy hiss he gave before walking past the cloud of smoke and down the hall heading back to the bar.

Rin tailed behind Kurogiri as they walked back into the bar. Everyone who had survived the mission was apparently there. And it was clear that they had suffered a few losses. One of the kids was gone, the tall muscular blonde man, the one who was in a straight jacket mumbling about flesh was gone. Rin wouldn't deny she was really happy he was gone. But in their place was a young blond boy bound and chained up. Those angry red eyes were ones she recognized easily. After all he did kind of look exactly the same now as he did on her tv when she watched him win the sports festival and had to be restrained then too.

"Shigaraki! What's the meaning of this, he's just a kid?" She hissed, fully aware that the kid was the aim of the mission. But still she needed herself to look nice and innocent to the kid. This could be a chance to escape.

This had the man turning on her hissing at her to shut up. She visibly flinched before casting a sad glance over at the blonde boy who was now intently watching her. And she wasn't the only one who took notice. Dabi was quick to walk up to her wrapping an arm around her causing her to glare up at him. But of course that was nothing new for the two, Dabi and her often glared at each other any time they spoke to one another. But why was he seeming so touchy feeling all of the sudden? Oh no it wasn't touchy feely it was possessive. He was being possessive.

Rin watched as Shigaraki walked over and sat himself down at the bar as he eyed up the blonde young boy. Shigaraki then flipped a TV on that sat across the room. When the hell did he have a tv in the bar? Actually as Rin thought about it she did realize it had always been there but the screen had always remained black and seemingly off. He had flipped the channels till a news station was on and already there were reports of the League having kidnapped a UA student and of course the media was shredding the UA school, the staff and the hero society as a whole. And of course Shigaraki was quick to go into a little rant about what is a hero, how the second someone accepts money they are no longer a hero any more. She even heard Spinner pipe up about how Stain had taught them that. Rin wanted to argue that people who put their lives on the line should be compensated but then that just proved what they were saying. That people only put on the hero persona for fame or money. In some ways their logic was hard to argue with and so she bit her tongue and kept quiet as she stood beside Dabi among the room full of villains. At some point Shigiraki told Dabi to release Bakugou.

"Hey, Twice you do it,'' was the growl as Dabi dumped the job on someone else after arguing with Shigaraki that they shouldn't release the kid but of course the man child was sure that the blonde was smart enough to know he couldn't fight them all.

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