Chapter 12

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Dabi was incredibly silent during breakfast, it truly did have Rin curious what was bothering the man so much that he didn't say a single word to her? Even as she washed dishes and cleaned up the mess of breakfast as soon as Dabi was done he returned straight to his room. That was odd? The man always seemed to spend the day in the living room watching tv, smoking and enjoying a few drinks.

What was eating the man so much that he was now the one hiding in his room? More so why did Rin care? She hated the man. Found him so infuriating and annoying. So why was she feeling bad for the man and worried? She had taken up his spot on the couch watching some movie on the tv that she really wasn't paying any attention to.

The day seemed to pass by slowly as she was still just as bored sitting in the living room as she was in her bedroom. The tv held little to no interest throughout the day. She could see now why Dabi enjoys smoking and drinking the day away. But it was still odd that she found herself looking down the hall more than enough times through the day. The man always seemed to sit in the back of her head and it irritated her. Why did she worry? Was the question she asked herself over and over. And that question was quickly irritating as well. She was starting to contemplate what to make for dinner or if she should just force Dabi to eat the leftovers for the night when the door to his bedroom flew open. She could hear him making his way to the living room before she even spotted him.

He still seemed rather pissed off with his eyes glaring, his lips pressed together and just over all he didn't seem to even try and hide his unhappiness. Before she could even open her mouth to ask what he wanted she was met with a face full of clothes. Grabbing and quickly inspecting them she realized they were her clothes. The ones she had been wearing when Dabi grabbed her that first night.

"Get dressed we are leaving," he said sharply even as she arched an eyebrow he didn't answer her unasked question.

"Where are we going?" She asked as she looked at her clothes, seeing they were still nice and clean and in the same shape as when she wore them last.

"You wanted to see Shigaraki so that's what we are doing," he said simply as if she was a moron for asking. She simply hummed a soft reply after all she probably should have seen that coming.

"Where's my bra and panties?" she suddenly asked, noticing the clothes only contained her shirt, pants and socks.

"I don't know," he said simply with a shrug of his shoulders, though the wide shit eating grin that pulled at his lips told her he knew exactly where they were but he was not going to give them to her.

Now she sat there glaring at him but was it worth the argument? She got most of her clothes back and did not have to walk around in Dabi's shirt any more. With that she glared at him as she pushed herself off the couch with the cloths in hand as she started to walk towards her bedroom to quickly get changed. She left the shirt tossed on her bed when she pulled it off to trade it for her own shirt. She kind of wished her shirt wasn't so tight at that moment as Dabi the dick he was still had her bra stashed somewhere. She planned to demand more clothes, really she wanted to be able to go home and get more of her clothes but she doubted that would be an option. But still she had to try, she needed things from her home.

Once her pants and socks were on and she was ready to go she strolled out of the bedroom to find Dabi waiting impatiently by the front door. He looked as unpleasant as ever, geez the man was cranky today. She almost wanted to ask him what had crawled up his ass, but the burning in her neck was a quick reminder that pissing him off when he was already pissed off would not end well. And so she silently slipped her shoes on as she glanced over at her as he wore that same long jacket that she recalled from their first night they met.

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