Chapter 21

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The dark haired man was out cold there was no waking him even as Rin tried. She was so busy making sure he was alright that she didn't even notice where everyone was. She had only glanced around enough to know that everyone who wasn't a hero at the bar is now in the area. Including the poor kid. But it was a voice that sent a shiver up her back that had her looking over at the man who joined them. Was it truly a man? The voice sounded like one but the mask over his face made it hard to tell what he even was. A man in a suit who seemed to need tubes and stuff to keep him alive was the first thought to cross her mind. But there was just something about him. Was it the way he talked to Shigaraki?
Or the way he called everyone else a pawn piece. Even saying to keep Shigaraki happy he had dragged along the woman and kid.

By woman did he mean Rin? She was pretty sure he did since she wasn't actually a real member of the league like everyone else. She was no different than Bakugou who had been kidnapped like herself. So of course it made sense she would be compared to the high school kid.

It had only been a couple of minutes or had it been longer? She really wasn't all too sure but suddenly All Might showed up. Of course the symbol of peace would be the first to show up from the bar where they had been before. And like that it feels like all hell breaks loose in the matter of a second. All Might had not waisted a second before engaging the stranger in the suit that Shigaraki had called master.

The wind gust alone from All Might's attack was enough to send those around nearly flying. Rin didn't even think as she threw herself over Dabi's body trying to shield him the best she could as she clamped her eyes closed and tried to keep the dust out of her eyes. She tried not to pay them any attention as All Might and a man he called All for One which was apparently the man who was wearing the suit and the life support mask on his face. The only thing that crossed her mind was staying alive, clearly getting between these two men would be a death wish. But Dabi was larger than she was and heavy seeing how he was going to be a lot of dead weight while he was out.

But it seemed she didn't have to worry too much after All Might was sent flying. All for One was quick to tell Shigaraki to get off the battlefield after he had pretty much flattened a street block and sent All Might flying what almost looked like halfway across the city. With some sort of odd quirk she watched the man's fingers turn black and stretch out as he attacked them to Kurogiri which had poor Magne worried as Kurogiri had been knocked out by a hero. But it seemed that Kurogiri's powers were the only ones that would be able to get them out of here and away from the battlefield. Somehow Kurogiri's quirk was activated and a large portal was opened.

Rin kneeled beside Dabi feeling a rush of different emotions. She could take this chance and try to run. Who would truly stop her? It seemed like everyone's attention was elsewhere between All Might, All for one, Bakugou, the portal and just everywhere else. She could probably run for it and no one would notice till it was too late to stop her. But yet why wasn't she running? She remained frozen beside Dabi, some odd feeling to help him drove her to stay put and not run. She was so stuck in her own head she never even noticed Mr. Compress walk up to her till Dabi disappeared before her and the man was talking to Shigaraki. It was time to go.

The window of opportunity she had to make a run for it was gone now. Mr Compress stood over her as if he was now her warden since Dabi was incapable of doing the job of making sure she didn't run off. But oddly enough she would do that as she slowly stood up. Though she did worry about the kid, Shigaraki still had full intent of taking the blonde kid with them. This had her look over at the blonde with a worried expression but she didn't move to help him. What could she do to help him? And if she did and she was caught then it would be her ass being killed. But she knew if push came to shove she wouldn't be able to stand back and watch them hurt a poor innocent kid.

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