Chapter 26

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Rin had completely run from Dabi and he didn't even chase after her as she expected him to in anger. But maybe if she had looked back at some point maybe she would have seen the mixture of surprise, hurt and confusion that crossed the man's face as he stood there watching her run from him.

Rin ran till she returned to the main room. In which case she proceeded to try and find a corner to hide in as she attempted to comprehend what had just happened? That kiss was different, it was nothing like normal Dabi. The kiss was slow, it wasn't a harsh clash of tongue, lips and teeth. Hell she could almost call it a loving kiss. Had it been anyone else she would have easily admitted that's what it was, a gentle loving kiss. But she doubted Dabi even knew what love was, nor how to even try and express it. No, she must have miss read the kiss. It was just another way for Dabi to try and manipulate her. It was the only thing she could think of that would make sense for not only his bad apology but also for the sensual kiss.

The red could could do nothing but want to rip her hair out as she tried to remain hidden away from everyone. She hated the idea of prying eyes watching her as she struggled not to have a complete mental breakdown. She also felt the need to be left alone as well and Toga for sure would stick to her the second she spotted the red head. So now it was becoming a little bit of a hide and seek as Rin tried to hide herself from everyone else while at the same time not actually disappearing.

How long had she spent curled up against the wall in the corner hoping to hide herself behind a crate. She was sure she looked like a mess as she struggled not to have a complete mental breakdown. If anyone did spot her it seemed they were nice enough to leave the poor girl alone before her growling stomach had finally forced her to stand up and look around from behind the crate. It seemed half the league was missing at the time being. But then again the warehouse wasn't exactly small so the rest could be all over the place. Or those who were stupid could of left. She wouldn't put it past some of them. She had quickly spotted Shigaraki and Kurogiri as the pale haired man was sitting on a crate scratching away at the skin of his neck.

Rin sighed softly at the sight of the blood red skin and the angry welts the man's blunt nails where even leaving on his skin. She walked towards the two men who were talking. Oddly enough Shigaraki wasn't completely growling at the man though the two stopped mid sentence once they spotted the woman approach them.

"Sorry to interrupt. Please continue. Though I would like to tend to your scratches," she said softly, her eyes glancing down for a second to his neck.

"I do not need your help," was the growl she got from the man. She had to resist the urge to sigh and roll her eyes at the annoying man child.

"You are bleeding. This place is not exactly perfectly clean. We can not afford for you to get sick or worse an infection," she said softly, remaining calm even when those bloodshot eyes glared hard at her. It looks could kill and she was sure he would have killed her already if it wouldn't inconvenience him.

"Shigaraki she has a point. You should clean and bandage your neck," the cloud of smoke was quick to add to her aid. Which only seemed to make the man scratch all that more aggressive. It almost reminded her of a nervous trait but instead of biting his nails he scratched the skin on his neck off.

"Fine just get it over and done with," he growled at her before she looked over at Kurogiri asking if they even had any disinfectant and bandages. Of course the cloud of smoke was happy to oblige and left her alone with the man. Well damn she would of gone and gotten the bandages herself if she knew she was going to be standing there in front of the man alone.

She wasn't sure what to do or say to the man who was rather intently glaring down at her as she stood there before she sighed and moved to sit beside him all the while trying not to glance at his hand that was ripping and clawing at his own skin.

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