Chapter 36

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The next morning Rin was woken by the knocking at her door before Chrono's wheeled the food cart into her room. Ugh it felt too early for her to be getting up but the smell of food was too enticing. With half lid eyes and messy red hair Rin sat up turning a glare at the man who didn't say a word before he turned and left her room closing the door behind him. Of course the man didn't say a word to her just left the food and got the fuck out of her room as if she was some diseased ridden rat.

Even those two men she had met the night before had talked to her more than Chrono's had in the last few days she has spent as their captive or quest as overhaul would correct her. Though she still felt like she had no say in any of this. But hey at least she wasn't eating cold microwaveable meals. Thinking about food had her stomach growl as she wrapped the blankets around her as the clothes she had been wearing the other day sat on the floor by the bed. Everything but the panties she wore as she striped them off once under the safety of the blankets from any prying eyes. Rin had completely grown accustomed to sleeping naked lately since clothes were not worth the hassle of putting on when she slept as Dabi would rip them off before she fell asleep and often once he was awake too.

But having to hide under the blanket was annoying as she grabbed the cart and pulled it over towards the bed and sat down to start digging into the large array of food and options. Some are traditional Japanese breakfast options, but then there was a plate of pancakes also available. It almost seemed like whoever was cooking her meals had no idea what to make her to keep her happy and so just made a ton of options. The pancakes looked good as she dug into them. Though a lot sweeter than she would typically eat for breakfast it was still nice for a change. Though it still didn't sit well with her being watched. So of course as she ate the food her left hand raised up and out of the blankets as her middle finger on its own rose up alone. She was sure the man was watching to see if she would eat her breakfast and what she was eating. So she was sure that he was getting an eye full of her flipping him off. She could only hope it pissed him off.

Hmm maybe that is how she would spend her morning after eating. She ate a bit of almost everything before getting up off the bed. Still in the blanket she walked to the closet before finally deciding on a simply grey t-shirt and dark grey shorts. Seemed better than all the annoying looking dresses in the closet. Now that she was dressed she started to hunt along the walls and every corner. She was well aware cameras nowadays could be made incredibly tiny, which was going to make it hard looking for them by hand. But still she had to try as she hunted every inch of the room for a camera of some sort. Of course to her dismay she came up empty handed. Still she wouldn't let it go, there had to be cameras or else Overhaul would have surely rebutted her claim at him watching her. But instead he admitted the compound was covered in cameras.

But she was just working herself into a sour mood as she growled unhappy at coming up empty handed on her search for the hidden cameras in her room. So what does the angry woman decide to do? Leave her room and hunt down Overhaul wanting to find him and once again she's his ass out for watching her. Damn it she wanted privacy and the freedom to sleep naked without fear.

Turning the way which Chrono's had brought her down she tried to remember the path they had taken the night she arrived and where the office room Overhaul had used was. After all, it seemed like that room was actually used. Though finding said room proved to be a bit more difficult than she expected as she aimlessly roamed the halls.

Maybe Lady Luck was on her side finally as she turned a corner and spotted the man she had been on the hunt for walking down the hall. She had not even noticed the man and child behind him as she simply stormed towards him.

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