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ʚ 𝙗𝙧𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙚𝙨. ɞ

minho cleaned up jisung's marks, he first washed the blood with a wet towel and he put on a treatment on it which stings

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minho cleaned up jisung's marks, he first washed the blood with a wet towel and he put on a treatment on it which stings.

jisung hissed at the feeling and minho tried to be gentle with him, he doesn't want jisung feeling pain or anything like that, so he was gentle.

he then put bandaids on them, to protect them. he then looked at jisung's thighs, seeing the bruises and scars. he wondered where he had them.



"why do you have bruises, and these scars."

jisung then pulled the hoodie that he was wearing to cover his thighs, minho pulled them back up.

"no need to cover them, it's okay."

"t-they're ugly.."

"no they're not, these scars and bruises are apart of you, they're beautiful, to me they are, no need to feel ashamed okay? these scars holds a story that you used to experience."

"o-okay, thank you."

jisung felt like crying, no one had ever treated his scars like that, no one has ever made jisung feel confident with his scars, no one has ever treated jisung like he matters.

"now, pretty, tell me what happened."

"b-before you found me, t-there would always b-be the-these three shitheads that would always be drunk and b-beat me u-up, t-they would attack c-cats for n-no reason."

minho felt angry, how could they do that to a harmless being. but he stayed calm for jisung.

"i'm sorry that happened, but now i'm going to protect you okay hannie?"


"now let's go to sleep okay.?"

jisung nodded and laid in bed, waiting for minho to cuddle him. minho then laid beside jisung and opened his arms for him.

jisung scooted closer to minho and purred, his tail wrapping the both of them,  he nuzzled his head to minho and minho then stroked his hair.

they were definitely soulmates.

the next morning, jisung woke up in cat form and hearing the the shower, he guessed that minho was in the shower. he streched and yawned his ears perking up.

he then meowed loudly, and went in front of the bathroom door and waited.


he then scratched the door and minho heard it, the door then opened with minho shirtless and a towel wrapped around his waist.

jisung's eyes lit up seeing minho. can cats get horny? well, jisung definitely felt something.

"hey kitten."

minho then picked jisung up and looked at him.

"do you want to be human today?"


jisung then tapoed minho's arm that had the scar.
signaling minho that he wanted to be human.
minho put jisung down and then tapped his scar.

jisung then turned human, looking at minho with lustful eyes. seeing him change in front of jisung was an experience.

he wondered when will be the time he and minho will, you know, do the 69. or to be straightforward sex. when will they have sex?

it's up to the author ;)

jisung then realised,

he was definitely in heat. or generally very fucking horny.

(i've decided that there would possibly be a smut *insert lip bite emoji*)

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