⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 스물셋 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

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ʚ 𝙞 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙚. ɞ

minho woke up with jisung sat on the edge of the bed, face turning to minho but his eyes were dozed off to the wall

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minho woke up with jisung sat on the edge of the bed, face turning to minho but his eyes were dozed off to the wall.

he had puffy red eyes, probably because of crying last night, his frown was noticeable, and the emotions that were spilled from his eyes were sadness, anger, confusion.

it wasn't a pretty sight for minho to wake up to.
he hated the fact that jisung was confused, he was hurt. seeing the gash below his eye and a scar on his lip was hurtful.

just then a tear rolled down jisung's cheek, snd that tear turned into a sob, he cried while gripping his hair with his hands, mumbling "stupid." over and over again.

minho then immediately rushed to jisung and hugged him tightly, letting jisung sob to his chest, he took the hands off of jisung first.

"don't do that pretty, it'll hurt you, it's okay, let it out."

jisung sobbed hardly on minho's chest, the elder male's voice was soft, it was so soft, no one has ever used that tone to jisung.

minho slowly patted his back and kissed his forehead many times until jisung calmed down, once jisung calmed down, there was only little sniffles left from him, minho kissed him so he would feel a little more calm.

"hannie feeling better?"

jisung nodded.

"tell me pretty, what happened?"

"i-it's j-just he r-reminded me of m-my.."



minho rubbed the younger's back as he let out a tear. minho didn't know anything about jisung's past as jisung never told him anything about it.

"it's okay hannie, you don't have to tell me anything but please promise me that you'll take care of yourself and know that you're with me now okay?"


"good, now anything you wanna say to me?"

"i'm r-ready to t-tell you."

"okay, i'll listen."

"m-my d-dad used to h-hit me a-a lot, to the point it was d-daily, my m-mom would blame i-it on m-me, t-they did it because m-my s-soulmate was r-revealed to b-be a b-boy."

minho kept a calm face listening to jisung, but inside he was raging.

"was that the same reason that boy beat you up?"

jisung nodded and held back his tears, minho then caressed jisung's cheek wiping the tears on jisung's face.

"hannie, you're with me now, i will protect you now, from everyone, you're far from your dad or mom, you're safe now with me, i know i fucked up yesterday, i should've not done that, but now you're safe. with me."

jisung nodded, smiling a little bit letting a teardrop fall, minho kissed his cheek, tasting the salty taste.

"i love you hannie."

"i love you too, hyung."


(i'm kind of struggling with this story, so if anyone has a scenario, or any requests please tell me.)

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