⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ 열셋 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

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ʚ 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙬𝙗𝙚𝙧𝙧𝙮 𝙞𝙨 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙛𝙡𝙖𝙫𝙤𝙪𝙧. ɞ

minho laid a patterned sheet on the grass, for them to sit and talk and eat

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minho laid a patterned sheet on the grass, for them to sit and talk and eat. the park was beautiful, there weren't many people around and it wasn't too hot it was actually a little cooler than usual.

jisung observed everything, to the flowers growing on the sides, the trees, people walking, he just observed everything that he could see.

minho looked at jisung seeing how focused he is looking at everything. he couldn't hell but smile seeing jisung's big doe eyes traveling around the park.

"do you like the park hannie?"

jisung nodded excitedly and grinned, he suddenly hugged minho and nuzzled, minho was surprised but he stroke jisung's hair and chuckled.

"yes! thank you for taking me here hyung."

"of course, hannie."

minho then pulled out the strawberried from the bag and jisung saw them and tilted his head. he had never had strawberries before.

"hyung, what's that?" jisung said pointing at the strawberries. minho raised an eyebrow.

"you've never had strawberries before?"

"no." jisung shook his head

"well try one, here."

minho then fed jisung the strawberry removing the stem first. jisung then slowly chewed and when he did his eyes lit up.

minho saw and chuckled. he then ruffled jisung's hair and jisung giggled, he loved the sweet and slight sour taste of strawberries.

"do you like strawberries hannie?"

jisung nodded and he took more strawberries. minho just watched jisung stuff strawberries in his mouth, his cheeks were fluffy it made minho want to eat it.

because, let's be honest, everyone loves jeekies.

they were enjoying the peaceful atmosphere until the short guy ran towards them and was breathing heavily, probably because he was running.

"um can i help you.?"

"y-your tail."

the guy said pointing at jisung, jisung's eyes widened and his face was pale white, minho was now protective.

"it's okay, i wasn't gonna hurt him i was alerting him, i have a neko myself."

jisung's eyes then lit up.


"yeah, my name's changbin by the way, and i was asking if you guys would like to go to a place and maybe he can meet my neko."

minho was hesitant if he could trust this guy, his face shape threw minho off.

"c-can we hyung?"

"hm i don't know hannie.."

"i promise you i'm not lying okay, you can come to of course, i'm inviting the both of you."

"please can we hyung, please..?"

jisung pleaded and minho couldn't say no to his eyes.

"okay we can."

"yes! yes! thank you hyung."

jisung then hugged minho tightly.

"anything for my hannie."


( im sad that there's no lipbite emoji😔)

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