⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚스물 하나˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

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(tw: sensitive slurs and homophobia)

ʚ 𝙝𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙜, 𝙞 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙜𝙤 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚. ɞ

jisung was excited, he had always wanted to see what minho does at work, where he works, and how he works

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jisung was excited, he had always wanted to see what minho does at work, where he works, and how he works.

he was excited to see the big building of LK entertainment, yes LK, JYP who? minho became the ceo since he overthrew the company and the previous ceo wasn't even that great, he was a musty old man.

anyways, jisung wore a bucket hat to cover his ears tucked his ears under his jeans and put on a black mask. minho was wearing an oversized tshirt and sweat pants since he's dancing today.

they were seated at the back seat waiting with jisung clinged to minho's arm and his head on minho's shoulder, minho was looking out the window and occasionally kissing the top o jisung's head.

"are you excited hannie?"

"yes! i-i've a-always wanted to see what it was like."

"okay, well always stay beside me yeah? the building is big."

"okay hyung."

then they arrived, jisung walked out of cat his eyes beaming seeing the big building, with many windows and a big sign. the door was automatic and that made jisung giggle when it spins.

minho smiled and they got inside, sitting at the front desk was a very pretty lady with blonde hair and pretty tattoos. she was overall very attractive.

"oh good morning minho!"

"morning noona."

"oh! who is this?"

jisung took of his mask and smiled politely but he stayed behind minho, he was a little shy.

"oh, this is han, my boyfriend."

jisung blushed at his title but he bowed and shook her hand.

"hannie, this is chaeyoung, she took care of me since before i was a ceo."

"hey hannie! cute name, it matches your face."


they then got in the elevator to go to the 4th floor where minho's office were also where the dance practice room is located.

when the elevator door opened, they were greeted by a beautiful girl with shiny black hair, heart shaped lips wearing a pretty dress suit and heels.

'is everyone just pretty here is it like the LK air?' jisung thought.

"good morning sir lee."

"morning jen, hannie this is my assistant jennie later i'm going to a meeting you stay with her okay but now do you want to come with me to dance practice."

jisung nodded and he waved at jennie who waved back.

they made their way to the dance room and there were students lined up stretching, they all bowed to minho and greeted them.

"hello students, so before i start, i'm introducing you my boyfriend, han. please respect him he will just be here observing, you can talk with him but don't make him uncomfortable."

all of the students nodded and smiled waving at jisung who waved back slightly.

except for one student.

jisung observed minho and the way he moves, the way he dragged his feet and moved his body to the beat. it was hot.

after the end of the class minho had to go to a meeting and jisung was with jennie.

"hey han?"


"i need to pick up some papers can you stay here in the office?"

"yea sure."

jennie smiled and ran out of the room. jisung was sitting down the couch when suddenly, a boy student came to the office looking at jisung and smirked.

jisung stood up and looked worried.

"o-oh um jennie is not here rig-ght now."

"oh we're not looking for jennie we're looking for you fag."

jisung felt tears coming as they walked towards jisung and he carried jisung out as jisung begged for them to let him go.

jisung was the thrown in the alleyway as he cried and the boy laughed.

"such a fucking loser, such a whore for dick."

and he started throwing punches and kicked jisung in the stomach as blood came from his mouth, his hat fell and his ears were visible.

the boy laughed and made a disgusted face on jisung's ears.

"what the fuck are you a freak or something? did you pay mr lee to date you, what kind of fucking person has ears such a fag."

it was hell for jisung everything ached throbbed, the boy wanted to land another punch until his fist was held by someone,

it was minho.

"you're fucking dead."

( sooo i checked the comments for guessing my age haha suprise suprise
i'm 13 :D
turning 14 soon)
07 liner alright:)

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