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Ight so first gotta thank y'all for all the support im surprised to see 1 person reading at all
Anyway im also gonna do au ships and stuff so ye.
Anyway tbh i am quite a fan of ask drunk chara and think the ship is great. They look cute together and i could see it being a thing if chara wasn't a murderous child that died hundreds of years ago =)
I like the ship but its not like i would go out of my way to read stories or watch vids on it but on a rating I'd say
Chances of it being canon 9%

Edit: as of the writing of this my opinion on this has also changed 7/10 i like it but its also still kinda weird considering the genocides routes existence and me deciding to look at the "lore of undertale"  also with the chances of it being canon dropping to 0 from 9% yeah there is no shot gotta pull sum out yo ass to make this canonical i see no other downsides other than the potential toxicity of the relationship but yeah

My opinion on undertale shipsWhere stories live. Discover now