Ink sans x Error sans (Thanks a lot)

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I- im at a loss for words today I couldn't be more happy tears of joy streaming out my eyes rn i was ya know chilling eating some fudge oreos #fudgeGang #Fudge#1 and i saw something that made me choke i was legit dying

I- im at a loss for words today I couldn't be more happy tears of joy streaming out my eyes rn i was ya know chilling eating some fudge oreos #fudgeGang #Fudge#1 and i saw something that made me choke i was legit dying

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DO YOU SEE THIS NUMBER 63?!!!! WE WERE STUCK IJ THE 10-80s for so long and suddenly the skyrocket to 63? I i have no words man but i did write a song. Nah im joking but i would if y'all asked lmao anyway I cannot thank you guys enough i owe my life to you all the happiness and joy i felt these past few weeks have come from you guys even the ones who don't talk don't vote the fact you read this makes all the difference to me I love all of you guys from the bottom of my heart typically id say platonically but nah f dat i fr love y'all love every single person reading this so much that im proposing rn. Will Every single one of you marry me. And jesus I don't know how to that my best pal Silver_Snowflake61 you know what it is day 1 support seem to be a genuinely kinda person has similar opinions with me doesn't go out of their way to absolutely knock a ship i like even if they don't agree and I really love her (not like that unless... im pulling your leg) unless lmao imma stop now
And you know who's up next on the podium Glitchy_ShadowBear you've been here for only half the amount of time as silver but that doesn't love you any less. Great opinions always comments if he makes a mistake in his comment he corrects them for me. I also love this man as a brother  I should probably put a pause here
I see y'all as my family and/or friends i cant thank y'all enough I want to do something to celebrate but u literally got nothing maybe a face reveal maybe a qna maybe writing any requested ship cept fontcest for the sick fuck who's thinking that. Anyway idk what to say at a loss for words rn lets get to the ship.
Today is a special occasion so
I'll do a sancest ship lets start with the most acceptable one though ik its not near cannon
But this ship is.... i like it a lot not that bad ik imma regret lookin for pics doe
Anyway why i like this is uh ship is cute and they spend like thousands of year with eachother I couldn't see them falling for anyone else actually they wouldn't even fall for eachother tbh they literally can't ink has no feelings and error i guess it's possible not probable anyway error literally has 0 reason to destroy aus he just does cuz why not so its isn't impossible.
With that aside I would like to see the 2 together cuz uhm idk kinda like bp x ncg 4 me not that i rank it anywhere near it just i like the ship 4 absolutely 0 reasons at all B)
Anyway rating and probability
Ship rating
7/10 its better than a lot of sancest trust me don't search it up
Ship probability
2% its improbable not impossible
Uh usually i do the end card here but i did it all above anyway this came out late since i was participating in a tournament so yeah i was gonna upload more today i still will but probably really late also i have to update my other book since its been 2 -3 days anyway have good day / night y'all I'll try and fix my schedule
Ah my eyes i saw the art I regret

My opinion on undertale shipsWhere stories live. Discover now