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SMH how could I forget about like the only cannon couple in the game. Ight so alphys undyne they're cannon so I can't say no if I wanted to. But this ship is great i love it cuz i love alphys and undyne. If you couldn't tell I myself indulge in one of the greatest things known to man anime. So let's talk about how they both already like each other and are literally perfect for each other alphys a shy yellow dinosaur who lacks self confidence and  loves anime. Undyne the physical embodiment of an anime a blue and red fish( fun fact they are literally the primary colors just funny to me) Alphys lacks self esteem while it's practically oozing out of undyne every second(pause smh) now me myself i dont do to much looking into it but when i do I typically enjoy them. Anyway as previously stated alph no confidence undyne to much J personally feel like undyne would help alph in that department and if you didn't already know from my bpxncg part i like relationships like that and find them "perfect". Also about that anime part i mentioned before you can't tell me im wrong undyne is an anime. And alphys like anime. If you catch my drift 😉
Uh the text here looks weird to me idk if y'all will see it too idk why so don't ask
Ship rating
10/10 🥳
Ship probability
98% basically cannon but with toby u can never be sure
Also what kinda author would i be if I didn't thank the people who support me so everyone give a big thanks to the wonderful the absolutely amazing the great the one the only Silver_Snowflake61 also we seem to agree on a lot of things and i hope it's alright if in future parts i ask your opinion on something and include it. Anyway thanks for reading uh if you liked it drop a vote i guess and for new or even old viewers please comment i do read all of them and would love to see if you agree or disagree with me anyway thank all of you for how far i have gotten

 Anyway thanks for reading uh if you liked it drop a vote i guess and for new or even old viewers please comment i do read all of them and would love to see if you agree or disagree with me anyway thank all of you for how far i have gotten

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Number 151 on opinion there are 1000s of other stories better than mine there and you choose to read mine I couldn't thank you guys enough also i saw this the other day and im bored I always am it's literally my name."cool parents huh"  anyway i have stated before im heterosexual but idc you can ship me with a dude i wont care. Ight thanks for your time

Forgot to announce imma write my own fanfic on one of the ships I reviewed "bet you couldn't guess which one"

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Forgot to announce imma write my own fanfic on one of the ships I reviewed "bet you couldn't guess which one"

My opinion on undertale shipsWhere stories live. Discover now