Undyne x paps

109 2 10

So were out of bo ships and when i was lookin for bp x temmie art i saw something i wanted to talk about buttttttt instead im doing this.
Now imma be honest no they are friends if anything undyne is like an older sister honestly she has the type of relationship i have with my brothers... ya know someone is gonna take that out of context and if you're that person please do us a favor and pour bleach on your brain thanks. Anyway it's obvious alphdyne is cannon and paps isn't romantically attracted to undyne at all. Ah yes i learnt the definition of crack ships today and I would assume this is one but there are ppl who genuinely like this ship now I don't hate it but imma be honest its kinda bad and even if alphyne wasn't cannon it wouldn't be or i hope it wouldn't i just dont like the ship nothing wrong with it but not my cup of tea I've seen a few stories on it so im being quite fair well maybe some art will change my mind (ts for art)
Ya know even though none of the art was nsfw or anything but it wasn't enough to change my opinion i still don't like it and the best picture to describe their relationship is this

 Ah yes i learnt the definition of crack ships today and I would assume this is one but there are ppl who genuinely like this ship now I don't hate it but imma be honest its kinda bad and even if alphyne wasn't cannon it wouldn't be or i hope it w...

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They are all just good friends they all have funny interactions in game and they are almost family also undyne is currently residing with the skelebros unless u finish the game as a friend or even a family member
(pause not that way smh 🤦‍♂️). They're all obviously just good friends and there is no romantic tension between the three of them that reminds me of the next ship imma do but I'll get to it laterrrrrr
1/10 i can only barely tolerate it
Ship probability
0% toby has alphyne set in stone so nothing you can do about it

Hey hey reader if you dont agree with me or even do agree with me feel free to comment i always read all comments and stuff and thanks to Silver_Snowflake61 yes i do still update your section lol and Glitchy_ShadowBear no I don't find typos annoying i just cant get over my grammar nazi ways (if anyone is offended i used the word nazi im o sure you can tell im not beings serious so don't complain ) uh what should i say shiuld i promote my other book i update d it if ya wanna check it out second chapter is a think 3rd chap is all the romance and stuff or i guess the build up to it uh what else have a good day?
We moved down in ratings again but hey we still in the 100+ so we chilling and either way thx for ur support i was wondering if I should open up a qna for questions ab myself but im not that important so nah i also saw ppl doing head cannons and i was oh yea it makes mores sense to have your head cannons set in stone for ships so uh I'll probably put those in the book somewhere thats all really might triple today since I literally released this at 4 am 💀
Forgot the top picture

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