Asgore X Mtt

71 2 6

So first question have these two even met?
Im not sure but maybe i see a lot of ppl say they haven't and I don't think Mtt ever really talked about him then again I skipped 80% of mtt dialogue. Anyway the ship itself is uh okay? I prefer papyton its just ehh? Typically i try to expand my chapters but this ship just so nah or eh ya know. I think i read like one thing about it but uh its just decent the writing was ... okay? No offense to the writer tho they won't see this since i didn't even put their @ well rating and stuff
Ship rating
3/10 an E for effort
Ship probability
2% in a far far far away land it's possible but no its not happening
Wow uhm end card sorry this chap was short and not an au ship but i just saw it and was like ahh yeaa thats a thing  lemme put that here
Anyway thanks to everyone who reads this y'all are great
Well while on the topic of great ppl(people) thanks to Silver_Snowflake61 Glitchy_ShadowBear last but not least TuFurtumCorEius yall are really amazing and cool people B) have a good day or night
Forgot to put pictures also uh check my other book i did update tbh I didn't like it but oh well.

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