Jevil X Chaos (1# ship?)

104 2 12

Omfg i love this ship so much best ship number 1 better than any other ship in existence
Okay first let me explain a few things jevil is you guys know who he is but you may not know chaos so let get a picture of him

Eh get it see what i did? All my sonic fans understand  okay this chapter was a joke so since I'm not gonna just give you guys a joke ship and walk away so I'll make a second chapter today But I guess it's plausible that someone was actually waiti...

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Eh get it see what i did? All my sonic fans understand  okay this chapter was a joke so since I'm not gonna just give you guys a joke ship and walk away so I'll make a second chapter today
But I guess it's plausible that someone was actually waiting for this and wanted the ship so uh imma be honest this ship is a joke it's not good I personally believe jevil is better off single or with seam? Sean what was his name idk or even the shop keeper tbh idk why anyone would actually ship this unironically
Anyway ship rating
100% it's already canon smh
Btw since im double uploading no @s rn

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