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Ight swear I didn't make this up just saw it while scrolling around

Told you I didn't make it up now this book specifically was short and honestly quite out of character for frisk and it was a chain of events type thing so there wasn't much to it literally like no story behind it at all so im gonna change it to bp...

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Told you I didn't make it up now this book specifically was short and honestly quite out of character for frisk and it was a chain of events type thing so there wasn't much to it literally like no story behind it at all so im gonna change it to bpxread since they got a few of those. Now bp x frisk I don't exactly like but ya know im a bit biased for bp so honestly this ship could be complete garbage and I wouldn't notice cuz im biased asf. Anyway the ship in general is ehhhhhh low mid? First frisk is a child we've gone over this multiple times so I won't get into it but assuming this is an adult frisk it's still ehh kinda weird cuz bp is like that one older cousin that gives you advice in life.
And then again how would bp react cuz lets be honest he's not gonna be the one to ask frisk out.
Frisk: hey bp
Burger boi: hey little buddy whatchu need
Frisk: uh I just wanted to talk to you about something
Bp: sure what is it
Frisk: (100% taking frisk out of character rn)
Uhm well I wanted to ask you if maybe you wanted to go do something together later maybe watch a movie,go out for some food.
Bp: Sure I don't see why not maybe when im off work (assuming he even gets days off)
Frisk: Cool it'll be a date
Bp: excuse me a what?
Frisk: um ._.
Bp: listen little buddy i like you but not that much
Frisk: i still see your shadows in my room
(how old is that song now lmao)

Ight so basically I think this ship is impossible like it won't happen tbh I wouldn't want it to happen but ya know for my boy bp irdc if he's happy I'm happy pause. Anyway then there was 1 bpxreader . Okay so this really depends on which one ya read right but imma just take a basic one. So assuming that the reader is a girl also btw did ya know canonically bp is straight
Bp wouldn't want to incite the relationship so its an impossibility and if the gurl were to hit on him seeing how he is in game he would probably get all weird about it so i dont feel this one is bad
Ship rating & probability time
6.8/10 for frisk x bp art was too good ;-;
7/10 for bp x reader
2% for frisk x bp
Its an x reader so -2%

And ya know thanks to y'all for reading special thanks to Silver_Snowflake61  and TheLostKinL  for being the only ppl to comment and welcome to this book thelostki enjoy your stay as I will be uploading for a long time( a year or 2)

So apparently this ship is more prevalent than I thought and has some really good art btw i did have it rated as a 5.5 but ya know it looks nice and I couldn't decide between these 2 pictures so imma put them both

Looking back at this no I'm not suggesting this is an okay ship still pedophilla but im such a simp for bp -also art was too nice😭

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Looking back at this no I'm not suggesting this is an okay ship still pedophilla but im such a simp for bp -also art was too nice😭

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