RottenCrop(farmer x horror)

58 5 6

... just reading the name made me dislike this ship but i gave it a Chance and now i- I LOVE THIS SHIP I can't lie maybe its how the author did it but jesus the book made me love this ship on a dif level im really about ready to end this part right here with just saying that because there are no words to describe how i feel i guess i should give the author a shoutout plus this book is still ongoing and relatively new so why not SmolAbyssSans your book despite all the spelling errors and mental breakdowns i had was good genuinely loved it. Oh btw it says lemon in the title but don't worry its not a lemon at all but lime warning to all y'all. Anyway the way this author did the ship was so... im at a loss for words to be honest i was gonna release tgis part after reading one page but i got hooked and also had to write my second book which should be uh dropping on the 22nd for reasons dont get me wrong its not like im being lazy I actually already completed it im just waiting for someone to release their next chapter.
Anyway now why i like the ship man idk what it is the way smol wrote that had me thinking it was raining indoors. Idk what it is anyway lets do a rating and stuff also if you wonder why this is so late BRO WHEN I TELL YOU I SPENT ALL NIGHT READING THAT BOOK I WOULD ONLY BE HALF LYING and with that out the way ship rating and probability
Ship rating
11/10 nah they got some drugs in that book fr got me addicted
Ship probability
They are au's typically i would say zero but since horror travels thru aus a lot not in horrortale but ya know with nightmare there is an iota of a chance
0.9% just holding on to what little hope there is

Anyway ladies and gents that about concludes it for this chapter I really recommend checking out smols book actually before you look at that have you seen Churpen s book if the answer is no then go check it out to be more specific read lead the way match maker but if. You wann check out her other books  then go ahead but if i had to put it on a list of importance
1.match maker
2.horror x farmer
3. Churpens other stuff
4: smols other stuff
Anyway im taking a break till 22nd later im joking
Anyway where have my manners gone thanks to Silver_Snowflake61 for simply bejng the greatest why do i feel like just using the complements that are on nice cream wrappers well ya know what i will
Thanks to Glitchy_ShadowBear yo are you good bro? You been gone for a while by a while i mean 2 days :(
Thanks to _authentictears  simply unforgettable even if i wanted to i dont think i gave you a warm enough welcome anyway my name boredom yes my real name ik surprising and enjoy your stay if you need anything help advice just come to me.
Thanks to my boy/girl i mean you get the gist Sans-19 you've hardly said anything and I respect you so much idk what it is guess you're just one of those people.
giyunezufan thanks and welcome you don't seem very talkative but that's fine
Thanks ti TuFurtumCorEius  okay im almost 100% sure you're gone but thanks anyway
Thanks to Big-Chungu You don't vote you don't talk but you put me on your reading list and every bit of the support is appreciated
And Thanks to Churpen feel kinda bad for misgendering you so again my apologies
Anyway if you're this far go check out her book
Also I don't do this often but i guess if you want go check mine out
Anyway have a good day/night ladies and gents
Forgot picture smh

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