San X Asriel

147 7 17

Said i was gonna quad upload and i am even tho technically its 1 am where i am so its technically not a quad upload. Anyway this ship im more calm about but don't take that to mean i like it im just fine with it like i could live knowing it existed see i hate sans x flowey but this one is different Yes i know Asriel and flowey same person im not stupid but idk this one i mind slightly more anyway lets talk about why this ship exists in the first place im pretty sure its only reason for being created was glitchtale  im pretty sure like the picture i have up there is from glitchatle actually and I didn't find any other images except a few but no nsfw which i am glad about if i saw any I couldn't keep living. Now assuming soriel was and/or is cannon i would have A few more problems with this but since its not i dont have as many things wrong.  But lets address this as is right now Asriel is a child yes even in his god of hyper death form he's still a child tho technically he is  probably 100+ years old depending on when each soul fell but act never mind thats an impossibility considering how old  tori is i'd say at max he is 16 but that's counting the time he was dead otherwise he's way way to young. Any imagine toriels reaction 💀. So this ship i do not agree with but don't hate im just eh with it
Also uh the picture i used isn't really ship art so here is a second one

Anyway sans is just an uncle to azzy if you ask me or maybe just friends or maybe sans is more like a dad to azzy if you catch my drift ( i was insinuating soriel not anything weird ya weirdos) yes i just typed weirdos in 2021 deal w it B)

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Anyway sans is just an uncle to azzy if you ask me or maybe just friends or maybe sans is more like a dad to azzy if you catch my drift
( i was insinuating soriel not anything weird ya weirdos) yes i just typed weirdos in 2021 deal w it B) . Anyway rating and stuff
2/10 i can deal with it I honestly don't mind as much
Ship probability
-2% Asriel is literally in the grave rn not possible for this to happen

Aaaannnnndddd thank you mr/mrs reader yall are great and are the only reason i do this even tho sadly I've been movin down in rankings recently im still glad ppl are reading this and a lot more at that so all of y'all feel free to comment i read them all and try and reply asap but i guarantee i will reply if its your opinion I'll listen if i talk down on ur fav ship and you argue with me and prove me wrong i might edit the chapter and increase the score if I offend you i might apologize
And i want to say thanks to Silver_Snowflake61 and TheLostKinL with every ounce of my soul for commenting voting & stuff y'all make my day 20x better and i thank you for that . Also if you ever wanna ask me more personal questions just ask i have a lot of free time

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