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( ._.) so i was just looking through the #burgerpants cuz ya know he my fav character and i saw this burger pants x sans. I was like ye there is only 2 chapters probably just a joke right? APPARENTLY I WAS WRONG AND THIS IS A THING??? And ppl enjoy it but aye ngl that writing was good idk if imma put a pic on screen cuz uh idk to lazy plus I don't wanna have to burn my eyes after im jk probably will get one if possible i doubt it tho I've literally only seen one of these and it was short so the ship wasn't bad and all i can use to describe it is depressed duo. Also ye it was a good book so that exists. Btw these are my 2 fav characters so maybe bit biased
Ship rating
Ship possibility
Also that was only pic i could find that was close so yea

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