Sans X Alphys?

114 3 18

Now this one i have seen a considerable amount of and imma be absolutely honest its no just no don't like it but at the same time i like it? I guess what i mean is if soriel & alphyne weren't cannon I would consider this ship as decent. Any the ship itself not much to say about it nice stories I haven't seen any art but i think the ship basically exists from the theory sans was gasters lab assistant along with alphys. (Oh btw i said soriel was cannon here mb lmao i mean it's close but who knows)
Anyway sans is well compatible with alph I wouldn't say good or perfect just compatible there isn't much to say for this meh ship and tbh i prefer its not cannon
Rating and stuff
Ship rating
4/10 i can live with it but who knows maybe some art will change my mind
Ship probability
0% alphyne cannon and i like it that way B)
Woah so some decent art here ngl i would move the ship up but i think its perfect as is rn and also i have to include this pic I wasn't going but i have to

 (Oh btw i said soriel was cannon here mb lmao i mean it's close but who knows)Anyway sans is well compatible with alph I wouldn't say good or perfect just compatible there isn't much to say for this meh ship and tbh i prefer its not cannon Rating...

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BOX OF OREOS thats all i have to say

Woah woah woah its 5am rn maybe im tripping but erm

We moved up a lot the support is immaculate like really im getting so much support from you guys like it's unreal to me still out here pinching myself to see if im not dreaming

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We moved up a lot the support is immaculate like really im getting so much support from you guys like it's unreal to me still out here pinching myself to see if im not dreaming

Usually it takes 3 days to even get 10 views but this many I cannot thank y'all enoughLike fr i cant believe this but thanks to y'all for reading and big special thanks i want to thank these two but specifically this one from the bottom of my hear...

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Usually it takes 3 days to even get 10 views but this many I cannot thank y'all enough
Like fr i cant believe this but thanks to y'all for reading and big special thanks i want to thank these two but specifically this one from the bottom of my heart with everything i have to Silver_Snowflake61   A lot of the time i say for being here day 1 but y'all may not understand what i mean i mean for being the first supporter i had and consistently coming back to support me even more and i dont lie when i say it means the world to me nah more then the world even the galaxy and i wanted to say ily |platonically| to you. And i also wanna thank Glitchy_ShadowBear  for being here in general i Fr thought it would always just be a back and forward between me and silver not that I wouldn't like that but seeing a new face and a person who i share a lot of similar opinions other than silver makes me happy so a big thanks to you too ilyt |platonically| and thanks for reading and supporting me.
And also thanks to everyone else who read tho you may not comment its alright not everyone has to or wants to do it maybe your scared i dont share your opinion maybe your scared others don't but ay i want you to know your opinion is still valued even if you dont share it

My opinion on undertale shipsWhere stories live. Discover now