Asgore x sans x toriel (*deep breath*)

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Sigh I know i say I despise this ship a lot but i also say I hate other ships a lot. But trust me when i say this ship grinds my gears the second most number 1 spot is reserved for fontcest. Btw yes I'm m writing in italics its just feels cool so why not. Ne way why i dislike this ship well its a bit far back so let me splain when i was a wee little lad back oh I'm m not sure around 2016ish i was relatively new to the community and ya know i was chilling being the pea brain child i was I ended up talking to a bunch of people on the internet now at this point i didn't know about shipping undertale with an I and stuff so when my "friends" told me to search by up asgore x toriel x sans undertail they said it was a fight and i was like oh cool asgore and sans are like the hardest bosses and toriel is probably as strong or if not stronger so I searched it up they said go to images and you can guess where it went from there. Now ik I shouldn't judge based off of one simple stupid interaction but this is my opinion so ye i get to do that. Okay but earlier I decided I'll give it a chance right everyone deserves a second chance but when i say i could only find lemons nsfw and shit im partially lying because i found no books on it so i went on google that was my first mistake actually first mistake was giving it a chance second was searching it wanna know what shit i found i cant even make this up i found some ... actually I'll spare you guys the details anyway there was some half decent art but i cant shake off my past traumas that easily so if you like the ship I understand the concept isn't as bad as I make it out to be no storys on it so idrk how it would work anyway let me give this a rating
Ship rating
3/10 im feeling generous today I spent the last week grinding a game to get something and finally got  it also some decent art but i have flash backs looking at it
Ship probability
.00001% hopefully doesn't come true but there is a slight chance which i don't like but i have to be honest

Okay endcard time basically a while back i said i would do a sans in jjk which i stay true to my word
Even if you guys dont have an idea what jjk is i suggest you watch it definitely a good show uh dont go bother to read that book tho i just published it so i could work on it later there is literally nothing in it
anyway thanks to you the reader for reading this book even if you don't comment or vote you're still appreciated :)
But uh i wanna talk about something so funny to me So ya know how I always say go read at Churpen s book either all of y'all supported them well im assuming its you guys I could be wrong but if it was y'all i want to thank you guys ik its not my work but the fact you're supporting my friend make me feel second hand happiness anyway
Thanks to Silver_Snowflake61 Glitchy_ShadowBear Churpen giyunezufan clemlnv Sans-19 oh btw sans if you were wondering the next part should 100% come out by the 22nd. Big-Chungu TuFurtumCorEius think im allowed to officially say they are gone
Well I mostly wanted to thank Tom_Lime today  they made a book years ago i was almost 100% sure was gonna get canceled but ya know despite the odds i asked and i received which i thank you for  actually updating even though it was a bit underwhelming it's understandable after all you just came back to the book after a few months anyway  have y'all checked out churpens book yet? If not then I highly highly recommend you do it should be  #1 on your to do list well with all that said it's pretty late i should start working on my third book and ither stuff j guess have a good day y'all arigato.

My opinion on undertale shipsWhere stories live. Discover now