
410 9 38

Sm fucking H no if you ship this no just no disappointing tsk tsk no that saddest part is when I went to get this picture I searched sans x papyrus the amount of nsfw i got is saddening just wow smh no. LETS FUCKING START WITH THEY ARE RELATED. IDC IF YOU LIVE IN GOD DAMN ALABAMA AND THATS LEGAL THIS IS FUCKING WRONG. Ight so ofc Sans loves(platonically)paps they are brothers so that's normal but this is on a different level this is just nasty like no if you like this you probably drink throw up 🤮 <~ that's probably a snack for you ya nasty ass. Okay anyway lets be realistic sans would never let this happen nor would paps. Sans has some amount of decency i prefer frans before this garbage. Paps is way to innocent for this even if he wasn't chances of him say yes to this is a whats a good number ah i got it -999999999999999999999
Besides imagine undyne or someone saw this they would sit there like WTF. Ya know maybe im to mad cuz of the amount i shit i saw when I searched for a pic. And usually I'll say i could see it happen or its cute nah fuck all that this shit is garbage 🗑 trash dookie poo poo doodoo water. Okay im sure it has some redeeming quality maybe probably not...

Ship rating
Ship possibility
-9999999999999999999 you get the point it ain't never happening
Also i dont hate you if you like the ship... i just hate you and your community peace out but fr if u like the ship good for you
Imma chill for a while probably offended someone

 i just hate you and your community peace out but fr if u like the ship good for you Imma chill for a while probably offended someone

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