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So im not gonna lie I've seen a lot of these and only ever read like 1 of these and it wasn't that good and again plot holes like im assuming that the humans either fell consecutively 1 year after the other which would be the only way this is possible right so around what time did gaster fall into the void. According to the internet it would have been around the time the justice soul was around so I guess this would be possible not probable but possible. Anyway lets get into the ship itself and imma be 100% honest it... exists I couldn't tell you the ship is good nor could I say its bad okay I could say its bad but lets ignore that. I don't like the ship but I don't dislike the ship. Its one of those things where i cant really decide. okay so that picture made me like this ship a bit more also the fact I didn't get 70 nsfw picture makes me even more happy so imma rate it Btw might make a second one and read a dif kingdings book to be 100% fair since im not 100% sure bout the ship its kinda like papyton situation again.
Ship rating
Ship probability
Shit where are my manners lmao thanks for reading special thanks to Silver_Snowflake61  y'all mean a lot to me all of you even those who read and choose not to comment or vote i still thank y'all are great specifically silver but ya have a nice day feel free to comment i read them all and will alway reply thanks again

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