
336 6 10

Thanks to y'all for all your support B) and a special thanks to the magnificent spectacular the one the only the great Silver_Snowflake61 for actually commenting and being a cool person.
Anyway lets get into this ship. Now personally i dont ship these two with anyone. Mostly cause they aren't compatible with anyone or so i think. But these two together im not entirely sure because i dont know if you could tell but I don't really think much about muffet and grillby is just a character i like aesthetically i dont do deep diving into their background or lore. But i feel like these two would be more of rivals in business not lovers again i have no problems with this ship and honestly think its great in its own regard. Only thing is i dont see it happening maybe if i read a story on it i could understand better i dont wanna give it my rating yet so i might wait and come back to edit this but if you got a good book about this put in the comments and i will give you a special shout out even tho you probably wont care but still an option
Ship rating so far
5/10 becuz it would be unfair to papyton to make it higher
Ship probability

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