Frisk x undyne (Z-Z)

50 5 9

Okay lets get this started

Frisk x un- do i even need to talk about this it's garbage alright ik ik I shouldn't be mean cuz someone could like this but

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Frisk x un- do i even need to talk about this it's garbage alright ik ik I shouldn't be mean cuz someone could like this but. Please stop alphdyne canon why would this even exist I can't anymore with the undyne x anything think I'll just skip them from now on and also huntress i see you read this accounts stuff which is well idc but ye. Anyway you're shipping a child with lgbt+ female fish. Why would you even like this ship idek what inspired the creator of this ship to even fathom this this thing-
Was it cause she gave you tea? Well I really cannot comprehend this ship like why- just I don't understand. I'll just walk away from this ship slowly before my brain completely shuts off so lets rate it and get some art.
Okay this ship was horrendous at the most but I guess it's personal preference maybe its better i tried reading on it wasn't as good as i would like or maybe im just criticizing it to harshly based on the fact I don't like it but yea on a scale
Bad. Decent good
It's right there maybe maybe im being harsh but but its yea not that great no logical reasoning behind it story's could be meh at best so ye
Ship rating
.9/10 am i in a bad mood rn? Eh
Ship probability
-10% me an toby staring in disappointment at the ppl who actually thought this would be near possible
Okay thanks for read ik ik ik it be taking me long to upload but this time i got next chaps for all my other books redy so ye thats a thing and now I'll just have to work on dis more often after all no rest for the wicked am i right fellow youths 😐
Anyway jokes aside thanks 4 readin it's as always greatly appreciated Make sure you uhm vote ig? I mean im just gonna grind again to get outta the hundos into the 50s maybe or we could shoot for numb 1. Anyway special thanks to Silver_Snowflake61 Glitchy_ShadowBear Churpen _authentictears TuFurtumCorEius oh btw to everyone who reads these don't take me talking down on your ship personally I really don't mean to offend you in anyway shape or form. clemlnv jacobsenhalees GreyExists giyunezufan Sans-19 nottamoviestare Special thanks to all of you wonderful individuals and if I forgot anyone im sorry
Also this is part 69 a haha funny number thats all : )
Anyway have a good day lads fear not I shall be back soon. If you wanna go look at my other acc- actually nvm forget i said that

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