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Okay so its been a min and my opinions on this ship have changed some people will argue they are family and to that i will agree and it seems unfair im hating on fontcest but not this ship which is totally invalid since they are not related by blood but ya know thats whatever. But i see where they are coming from with arguments as why is it morally wrong for  blood to be dating but adoptive not too.
Well it should be an obvious answer but I literally cannot be bothered to type it out right now, anyway the there is the wide majority of people who say their friendship was already toxic and Chara was manipulative but despite all the evidence and theories I don't know if that's actually true nor do they. I personally still find this a cute ship but its really just an art thing and some of the stories I've read if we were talking morally it would be horrendous since where I live even if adoptive siblings are not allowed to marry and assuming all the theories about abuse are true.
Despite everything except the supposed abuse this would be good considering the underground goes off a monarchy I assume something like this would be normal having the bride(or whatever you would call chara) raised alongside the prince/future king, actually a lot of times it would even be blood getting married to keep the royal bloodline pure but whatever that shit doesn't exist anymore so just forget ab it. But what im trying to say at the end of the day there is too much Ifs and Ands to know if this is morally acceptable to me and a lot of other people so to just be as based as possible imma put this as an
6/10 as a whole ship but for art its still a 10/10

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