Papyton (Part2)

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Okay so I decided its probably unfair to rate papyton so low cuz I didn't read it or see it very often. So i went to #papyton and picked the number 1 which was a lemon so I probably shouldn't have but idc i was just like this is fine. So i read a different one and am still currently reading it its really long so thats why I hadn't posted yesterday which I'm sorry for.
And i can say with confidence that I am a fan of this ship it's actually pretty good compared to what I originally thought it would be like at first I thought they would take paps outta character and just make him like mettaton... łēmøñš are bad for you kids dont read them.
Anyway i love how they kept paps in character honesty it was pretty accurate to how it would happen if it ever happened. Though i don't think this ship is cannon I would like if it was anyway this isn't the ship i was gonna focus on i had something else in mind becuz I forgot about these two but while i was playing undertale last night I remembered . Anyway i just wanted to rerate this ship and give it a better score
Lets get into the rating
8/10 🙃 a good even number for a good ship
Ship probability
Ohh this one is hard cuz sans and how mettaton is but ya it's paps ya never know what will happen
30% pretty high ik
Also special thanks to Silver_Snowflake61 for being the only one to comment and vote wouldn't be here with out you and the others i will continue to do daily uploads if i dont feel free to message me and tell me a ship you want me to talk about anyway im almost outta ships from the main game so get ready for au ships
Also for god sake dont play axetale. Ight later uh I want a name to call my readers but idk if u got one comment it and i will most likely use it have a wonderful day y'all

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