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Its like frans but with less logic maybe maybe i could understand frans shipping like I understand a lot of ppl like frans like by a lot i mean most of the ppl that read this

Its like frans but with less logic maybe maybe i could understand frans shipping like I understand a lot of ppl like frans like by a lot i mean most of the ppl that read this

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I am perplexed as to how you skipped the cover page and went straight to the frans part like did frame one you start on frans? Like I don't understand but whatever. Oh charaXsans and as you know I prefer asrielxchara. But this ship is just built different and by that i mean why does its exist? Like on a fr note who decided to ship 2 dead people get it cuz chara is a ghost and sans is a skeleton they're both dead. Anyway the ship makes no sense to me why would sans marry a murder ghost unless you're one of those chara did nothing wrong ppl 😑 .
But then the point with frans children how?
And to Silver_Snowflake61 if you would be so kind to send me a link to that one comic that explained how frans children work it would be nice since i wont be saying children how every time i have a ship with sans in it lol. Anyway i dont hate chara sans becuz of another similar almost exactly the same ship which is an Au ship if you know your aus ya know what i mean but this happening is super unlikely lets get into rating and possibility
Ship rating
4.8/10 not that great in my opinion
Ship probability
0% be honest we all know its not possible

Fyi the picture isn't mine it belongs to sansxchara_shipper thats their wattpad if u like the ship go ahead search it not my cup of tea but maybe you like it btw I know nobody tried to guess what the book I'll be writing is but imma start today btw most of its gonna be off the top of my head. Anyway thanks they the magnificent the best the coolest silver snowflake already @ you once I didn't wanna do it again cause it might be annoying anyway thanks for reading

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