Gaster x Frisk (aka: the new definiton of sin)

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Okay almost done with the frisk section lets seee what's next surely it cant be that bad right?

Okay almost done with the frisk section lets seee what's next  surely it cant be that bad right?

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Ya know this reminds me of something i saw yesterday

Very accurate cept its not chara and it well ya know hmm it has a bad word imma change that rq

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Very accurate cept its not chara and it well ya know hmm it has a bad word imma change that rq.
Less just talk ab how frisk and gaster have never met and never will unless you consider seeing him behind a door meeting someone they have never formally spoken to one and other so what relationship could they possibly have friendship? Nah Significant other? Definitely not anything passed that line? Wtf no? /coming back to this a day later and I have 0 idea what i said lol guess working while sleeping isn't the greatest idea huh/ back after a hiatus dam/ okay lets get this over with it's physically impossible and its not gonna happen and honestly i prefer it this way. The concept of the ship is honestly stupid it makes me lose braincells at a rapid rate the more i think about it. /okay this is like a day later i think i was in a bad mood soo../ well ya its a bad ship bad concept dislike it pedophilia isn't okay if you claim frisk is an adult the age gap is drastically wide it's unreasonable to assume this would be okay anyway lets rate this cursed ship.
Ship rating
-99/10 me no support pedophilia 😎
Ship probability
-1% deconfirmed 😐
Ye this is where it is so bad its off the scale

Well been a while how are y'all doin anyway thanks for the continued support even in my absence

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