Fell x Blue

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Since for the life of me i can't find out who Nagito is and I can't be bothered to have to watch another vid or read rn ill do sum I've already read up on. Well let me just get to the bone of this Yes its good its okay I personally have no qualms with it and i see the appeal. But also idk I'm still confused ab the swap and blue situation I forgot which is which but i think blue is the more clueless one right the more innocent one. If thats so then ig that everyone like a bit of a dom and sub relationship (thats definitely what i should describe this as what is wrong with me💀 but i can't remember the proper term for shit soo I'll jus say that.)
Ya know like a relationship where one is ig more or no that's not the word...more ig aggressive and the other is jus a lil bean who hardly knows the first thing of an actual relationship.
(Hold on lemme complain for a sec. I wrote the reset of this and forgot to hit save and lost most of it ._. )
Damn I don't remember what i even wrote no more. Well i think i jus talked ab the ship being okay not one of my favorites but it also does slightly remind me of my fav ship so I'd give it a passing mark. As for what I've read on it well there was a lot of weird shit sooo idk. But I have a pretty positive opinion of it its not to bad so as for a rating

Ship overall likability
Ship In terms of possibility
0/10 a whooping 0%
Ship in terms of art
There was some very cute art but the nsfw is literally like flooding all the good art istg and it kinda ruined my mood but otherwise a 9/10 would recommend
Sorry this took awhile i was studying up on Burgerpants for my in-depth analysis of him but ill see y'all then ❤️
Also thanks to fnafFangirl for the suggestions

Ship overall likability 8/10Ship In terms of possibility 0/10 a whooping 0%Ship in terms of artThere was some very cute art but the nsfw is literally like flooding all the good art istg and it kinda ruined my mood  but otherwise a 9/10 would recom...

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Here some Burgerpants and temmy as friends fanart i found somewhere on twitter alr see y'all

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