Jevil x Roulx

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Okay so this is the person i was supposed to talk about but i got names mixed and yadadada
Anyway i might aswell just copy paste the last chapter but nahhhh. Anyway do as i said yesterday sometimes(insert cringey line)
Yea im not saying that again I feel disgust just typing it
Anyway these two together give me that vibe ya know the one its so wrong but feels so right
|hold the hell up thats a hard pause like really hard pause I realized that term is used in a lot of other things i dont agree with cough maps cough|
Anyway let me explain myself I should take this out of italics nah anyway basically what i mean is that I know this isn't canon I know roulx 100% doesn't like jevil like that and it wouldn't happen because jevil doesn't even care enough about I guess the world as a whole to even be in a relationship specially a long term one. And roulx well roulx is roulx man he... i got no words I don't remember his character to in-depth seeing as I literally forgot his name that's pretty apparent
But from what i do remember he was pretty similar to papyrus
Ah that reminds me so the dark version of sans is lancer then dark version of paps would be roulx maybe im wrong thats why i asking literally forgot.
Anyway now the ship itself is so ...shhhi idk how to describe it its just good nothing to bad nothing too good
Ship rating and probability
Ship rating
7/10 perfectly balanced if you ask me
Ship probability
Anyway thanks to all you wonderful lads who support me but special thanks to these individuals
Silver_Snowflake61 Glitchy_ShadowBear Churpen
clemlnv TuFurtumCorEius Sans-19 if there was anyone who I forgot im sorry but i have a short term memory so i cant keep track of all of you anyway thanks to all of you specifically silver and glitchy tho as they were the first 2  to support me
Anyway go check out Churpen s book if for some reason you hadn't already and i will update my second book today or tomorrow so ye
Anyway imma go get started and next ship i have 0 idea what to do but I'll find something or you guys could recommend something it can be base game delta or an au ill wait

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