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you shot out of bed, once again getting terrorized with nightmares about yuuji. getting his litteral hand cut off in front of you, the sight was sickening to the least.

it hasnt been 2 days yet so it would be normal for any normal person to get nightmares of such topics. you wish it would be over soon

you decided it would be better to stay up now than be frightened over more nightmares. you were sitting up in the dark room and slowly shifted yourself to the edge of the bed, ready to stand up and do whatever.

grabbing your phone and checking the time, you saw it was 4.20AM, which is about one hour before the other students will wake up.

you also saw that you had 2 unread messages from nobara, you decided to answer those later in order to not make her worried about the fact that you were up at 4 in the morning.

'this is going to be a pain if i keep getting nightmares' you thought to yourself as you stretched while sitting on the edge of your bed

standing up you decided you could use this time to do some proper stretches and work out a little bit to wake up more. '4 hours of sleep isnt that bad after all, its equivalent as taking a nap' you told yourself.

yes you went to bed around 12AM, after spending most of the night with nobara and megumi after dinner. you guys had talked about everything in general, fortunately to you the topic of what happened that day with inumaki did not get spoken about.

megumi explained how his shikigami worked and nobara followed by telling about her hammer like technique. you then told them both about your shockwave technique.

it was quite easy to explain, "you just hit someone and depending on your emotions it'll be a strong or regular hit, it varies up to casually hitting someone and sending someone flying to the other side of the tokyo kinda"

your shockwave had some flaws ofcourse, a strong hit could only be used once a day because it takes alot of your energy and you never got yourself mad enough to actually do it.

thats why you needed the training at jujutsu tech so badly, because as gojou said when you arrived at jujutsu tech the first day, it has alot of potential if its used in the right way.

so there you were, currently doing sit ups in your room at around 5 in the morning, hoping to get stronger at a faster rate so no unnecessary lives would be lost, like yuuji's

you stood up and looked out of your window that viewed the back of jujutsu tech, there was a light morning dawn and it was getting lighter too. the orange-ish hue looked beautiful at this hour so you decided to jog for a bit as well.

getting ready in your usual uniform, you opened the door of your dorm and went downstairs as quietly as you could. apperantly was no one awake at this hour, fortunately to you.

you went outside and felt a wave of heat hit you, 'who wouldve thought it would be this hot already at 5AM?' you thought to yourself, nevertheless you jogged around the place for a while.

around 40 minutes had passed and you thought it would be good to go back to your room and take a quick shower to get ready for breakfast

going quietly upstairs too, you saw a tired megumi in the doorway as he was on his way to eat breakfast. he looked confused at first as why you were coming from outside with your uniform on, you rushed to your room and slammed the door shut before he had a chance to question it.

after your shower you went downstairs to join the other first years for breakfast, it was around 7 now which is a reasonable time for breakfast.

it was peaceful since both of them still seemed a little sleepy, 'logical since we all stayed up untill 12 last night' you remembered.

this peaceful moment with a comfortable silence lingered around for another 5 minutes untill maki decided to barge in and tell us to get ready to train soon for the sister school exchange event.

"maki-senpai i havent even finished breakfast yet" nobara dragged out as she frowned at the second year. just as maki was about to speak up again, panda appeared right beside her

"very well then, a good breakfast is a great start of the day, without it you cant fight properly" panda spoke with amusement in his voice.

nobara cheered up and you snickered at her fast mood change. then they all continued their breakfast and got ready to train with the second years.

it was awfully hot on the training grounds 'thats why it was so hot earlier too probably' you reasoned with yourself. the heat wasnt making the fact that you slept for 4 hours any better too.

after sparring with maki for god knows how long, you thought it would be a good idea to sit in the shade for a while. after asking maki if it was okay for you to take a break, she agreed and you looked for a place to sit

you spotted inumaki under a big tree and thought it would be okay for you to join him there. you walked up to him and noticed he had his eyes closed, the heat most likely got to him too.

you absolutely did not want to disrupt his sleep so you quietly took a seat beside him, a little close to him, your shoulders almost touching.

right as you took a deep breath, his eyes fluttered open. you noticed this and looked at him as he slowly woke up "oh inumaki-senpai, did i wake you up?" you asked in a quiet tone.

"bonito flakes" he said while shaking his head in a 'no' like way and stretching a bit in his seated position.

you took note that 'bonito flakes' was most likely meant to mean something like 'disagree' and 'salmon' was something along the lines of 'agree', that made things already more clear to you.

you stared at him and thought about what happened yesterday, it was a kind gesture. after he caught you staring you quickly looked in front of you and tried to look for litterally anything interesting on the training fields. but there was nothing besides megumi getting beaten up by panda.

suddenly a wave of sleep overtook you and you leaned the back of your head against the tree, only to have the off white haired boy look at you and ask "tuna mayo?"

"im doing fine inumaki-senpai, im just a little tired and this heat isnt helping much, fortunately im sitting in the shade now tho" you told the violet eyed boy who was listening to every word coming out of your mouth.

you closed your eyes and let the comfortable silence take over. not much later you felt someone snake an arm around your shoulder and pushing you towards them.

before you knew it, you had your head laid down on inumakis shoulder, it caught you off guard greatly but you stayed in the position nonetheless. it was so comfortable and just what you needed at the moment.

the birds were chirping and a gust of cold refreshing wind hit you and inumaki, it was such a relaxing moment. even after meeting him for a day.

you know he has no ill intentions and would want you to be energetic for more training with maki. that is why you decided to close your eyes for a while and let the tiredness overtake you.

he scooted a little closer to you, trying his best to not wake you up from your well deserved rest.

inumaki figured he wouldnt move for a while either as he was tired too, and choose to take a short nap, laying his head softly on yours and closing his eyes as well.

third person point of view

"y/n, where are you were going to continue training with maki-senp-" a male voice spoke, it was megumi. only to have him stop mid sentence.

he witnessed the adorable sight of his comrade and senpai sleeping in the shade together and walked back to maki, as he remembered this morning events.

'she must be tired, she was already awake and in uniform and all' megumi thought to himself.

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