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your sight started getting glassy and the figure of the pink haired boy now standing out of the cart was getting blurry too.

with your hands still in front of your mouth, you started shaking a little. inumaki who was standing besides you noticed this.

he reacted quite surprised, in the time he had known you he had never seen you this upset. it broke his heart to see you like this when he couldnt do anything about it.

nobara had tears swell up in her eyes as well but wouldnt dare to show herself crying. she pouted and looked anywhere else besides yuuji.

the boy from the cart started being confused at the reactions too. megumi was just staring at him with widened eyes, his mouth slightly open. while nobara and you were on the verge of crying.

he had expected happier reactions such as, 'yuuji yay, youre back, lets go kill some cursed spirits now!" but he should know better as he disappeared into thin air after you assumed he was death.

your mind was clouded by a million thoughts, was that really yuuji in front of you? how is he still alive? you definitely saw sukuna rip the heart from the poor boy out. why didnt he say anything if he was alive? is it not just a hallucination? were you going crazy?

your breath started speeding up while yuuji was standing there, talking to gojo as he seemed unsatisfied with the reactions he got.

as yuuji was talking with his teacher, you rushed to him, embracing him and hugging him like there was no tomorrow.

he was surprised but gladly wrapped his arms around you as well, his warmth was comforting to you, the entire experience felt surreal. your main thought was simply hoping this wasnt a dream.

your thoughts got affirmed when you could feel his heartbeat as you hugged him closely. it was real, he was real, he was alive and well.

"wh..how?" you made out as you hugged the pink haired boy, utterly confused as you had seen him die in front of you, you recalled the moments in your head and slightly teared up, almost dropping a tear.

nobara felt your emotions, she wanted to do the same but felt too prideful to do so, she pouted as she looked at the scene in front of her eyes, happy that her comrade was alive.

maki looked over at nobara as she was standing besides her, she knew immediately what nobara was thinking. softly sighing she placed her hand on nobaras back and pushed her slightly, indicating for her to go.

your female classmate took this sign as she looked confused at maki and stepped into the direction of yuuji and you, joining the three of you in a group hug.

yuuji was more than happy to have these reactions, his everlasting smile never fading from his face, soon enough megumi had also joined in, simply putting his hand on yuujis shoulder in a way of joining on his own way.

you refused to cry and continued hugging yuuji closely, wrapping your arms around his waist as he held you tightly as well. you never wanted him to leave again which is why you held him so close.

the entire moment felt unreal, finally the four first years were united again, you never knew this would happen and had difficulties with keeping your emotions under control.

you failed to notice inumakis piercing gaze as he looked at you and yuuji, his brows were furrowed and he didnt like this one bit.

luckily he had his turtleneck zipped up, otherwise panda would have definitely seen him clenching his jaw out of jealousy.

he wanted to intervene, he wanted to stop the entire moment. from his deepest desires he wanted it to be him, not yuuji. but he remained still and refused to step in.

he continued to watch the scene unfold, even though it was a group hug he could only see yuuji and you, there was no distance between you two, he couldnt stand it as he clenched jaw and kept his brows furrowed, looking displeased.

"see yuuji! i told you they would love it!" gojo spoke up from behind the four of you, telling yuuji it was a good idea to keep him hidden for such a long time.

nobara immediately noticed gojo again and realized he knew all along, "why didnt you tell us!" she exclaimed rather loudly, still pouting.

you broke the hug slowly, taking a step back and distancing your body from yuuji as his warmth left your body entirely, you turned around and faced gojo, "she is right, why didnt you?" you asked calmly in contrast to nobara.

megumi remained silent, seemingly already knowing the answer, gojo answered almost immediately, his smile never leaving his face, "training!" he said proudly, refusing to elaborate any further.

inumaki continued to observe the reunion, even after knowing you for only three months he felt a pang of jealousy hit him, his head was completely empty, he let you reunite with your comrade, slowly calming down.

he kept watching you even after you had released your hug with yuuji, nobara and you were argueing with gojo about keeping yuuji hidden.

after a good ten minutes about catching up and calming down megumi spoke up in his usual monotone voice.

the only difference was that he had a heartfelt smile on his features now, complimenting his eyes as they softened while looking at yuuji, he was also happy yuuji was back.

he showed a small smile too yuuji, "let the exchange event begin."

authors note: hello everyone, i have changed this chapter entirely which has caused a small change in the storyline, if you have any confusion in upcoming chapters it is because this chapter has been remodelled and i overlooked the remaining changes, please let me know by commenting. if youre new here, congratulations on being one of the first to read this chapter! (07-02-2024)

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