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the sun hit your face perfectly, causing you to squint your eyes and this time open them in one go. your pupils were hit by the blinding lights as you slowly adjusted to the new light with your hand in front of your face.

you felt more energized, the sleep did you well, but mentally you felt horrible as you remembered everything.

your eyes were half lidded as you internally managed to gather your energy and sit up in bed, slouching over as your elbows rested on your legs.

with your head in your hands you sighed loudly, your eyes slightly swollen and your head hurting, but luckily less than before as you had processed the information a little.

you still didnt believe it, you refused to. shoko had explained into detail about nobaras death and how she was too late to mean something to nobaras corpse.

not only that but the passing of many sorcerers hit her hard as well, especially since she was one of the few medics on the field.

and they wanted to execute yuuji as well, meaning you could still do something about him, you wouldnt dare to let him leave you as well, but currently you did not have the mental strength to think about it.

you took one of the medicines that shoko had left on the table for you, as you grabbed the small orange bottle you read the description.

putting the medication on your tongue as you read the text out loud, "acidic glycoprotein with molecular mass of 30.4 kDa. 165 amino acid chain. four antiparallel α-helices, two β-sheets and two intra-chain disulfide bridges, cys7-cys161, cys29-cys33."

"what." you spoke out loud as you tried to process what you had just said. you sighed to yourself as you realized your efforts of reading it again would be futile and just swallowed the medicine.

you didnt have the energy to think, all that was on your mind was nobaras passing and itadori who would live the same fate as her.

the white haired male brought you comfort in your mind, yet you had not seen him for too long and caused you to enter a state of depression.

you continued thinking about how nobara died, you heard mahito had killed her, unnecessarily to provoke itadori as well.

in the end they didnt get what they wanted, therefore nobaras death was in your eyes a waste. it was not needed for anything, she was just caught in the crossfire.

the thought alone made you angry, you felt your body temperature rise as you got warmer, the frustration of her death truly getting to you.

you missed her already, her comments, laughter, honesty, her compassion and friendship, you needed her. just like how she needed you.

those were in fact her last words to you.

tears swelled up in the corner of your eyes out of anger, 'she didnt need to die.' you thought to yourself as you still held your head in your hands.

it took you quite some time but you realized it was all mahitos fault, he was trying to entertain himself, the situation and try to get a kick out if it by angering itadori.

you hated him for playing with nobaras life like that, like it was nothing, you hated mahito for his actions as you realized cursed spirits had been doing this for ages now.

combined with the passing of nanami you wanted all cursed spirits and cursed energy to disappear. you overthought about the entire situation, wanting to get rid of cursed spirits forever.

unknowingly you had realized nobaras death and entered the second stage of grief, anger. you wished to go back in time and change everything, to never split up with her.

you wouldnt dare to let the cursed spirits take more of your companions... but that is exactly the mindset they wanted you to have.

your hate for the world of jujutsu and cursed spirits grew as time passed. soon the clock had reached 12. meaning a solid three hours had passed since you had entered your state of anger.

you wanted to get rid of curses forever.

exactly being on time, you heard a knock on your door. your eyes shifted to the sound as the door slid open, revealing the silhouette of your familiar male teacher.

he noticed your angered presence immediately and knew you were succesfully going through the stages of grief, therefore he did not make a comment about your tense mood.

"how long have you been up?" he spoke up, his eyes settled on your seated, slouched figure as you held your head up, looking him into the eyes as well.

you sighed softly, making sure he didnt hear your internal conflict, "since nine." you spoke up as you diverted your eyes to the small digital clock on your bed side.

'12.01PM.' the clock read in its bright red numbers, you were not in the mood to talk as you were coping your comrades loss, he noticed.

had it been shoko who saw you then she would know immediately what was happening.

with your new objective in mind you had your jaw clenched, you made eye contact with the doctor as he spoke up, still standing in the door frame, "have you taken your medicine?" he asked you to check up on you.

you nodded as you spoke, "yes." you kept it short, seeing he wanted to tell you more.

which he did, he moved his body to lean against the doorframe as he folded his arms over his chest, "since you are one of the four remaining active students..." he said.

his green eyes met yours, seeing the visible confusion in your expression as he said four students were active. kaito stopped mid sentence and told you who he meant.

"that being okkotsu, fushiguro, inumaki and you, (l/n)." he said, clearing the confusion as you nodded, understanding more now of the situation.

"we would like to have you get back to missions as soon as possible..." he said as he dreaded his words, he knew exactly you needed more time to recover from this, especially mentally.

but the orders from the higher ups intervened harshly with your well being, now with tokyo swarmed with curses you needed to get going and support the sorcerers that were still standing.

you nodded in understanding, even though you wanted to spend as least another month in bed you knew time would not wait for anyone.

vivid images of the memories you had with nobara and yuuji lingered in your mind, when you reunited with yuuji, when you shopped with nobara, when you three had close combat training, everything. you saw all the moments coming back to you all at the same time.

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