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"his type...of woman..?" is all that came out of nobaras mouth. which was more than you could say, since your reaction had been a solid, "..." with a blank expression on your face.

if you had to be honest, you were kind off glad he asked this since you were raging with anger earlier on. no one should ever dare to speak of yuuji like that.

the man who asked the, what seemed to you, ridiculous question, was now shirtless as he ripped his shirt off with his bare hands.

he got into a fighting position, ready to hear whatever megumi would answer. "why would i talk about my type of woman to a guy i just met?" megumi asked sternly.

"thats right, its a big hurdle for an antisocial guy like him." nobara pointed out with no expression on her face. which left you with trying to hold your laugh in and putting a hand over your mouth.

you were about to speak up but the shirtless man already did before you had the chance to do so. "kyoto, third year, toudou aoi." he introduced himself.

megumi still had his bored look on his face. "introduction over, now were friends. and depending on your type, i will beat you half to death right here." he finished.

"if you prefer men, thats fine too." toudou added quickly to his question. you knew megumi was one of the most straight people on the entire planet even though you knew him for about 3 and a half months. so you couldnt contain your laughter anymore and started to laugh right in front of him.

megumi noticed this of course and put his hand harshly on top of your head. "you be quiet now, its no time to be laughing." he said as he turned his body to face you properly, almost standing in front of you now.

he ruffled your hair slightly while holding that bored look on his face, and then heard another snicker coming from his other side.

now nobara was almost laughing while looking anywhere but megumi, he rolled his eyes at her and stood in his previous position again, once again facing toudou and mai.

toudou continued after he didnt get an answer. "someones fetishes reflect on  what kind of person they are. and i hate boring men." he said with determination in his eyes.

"who knows if my last exchange event might be a boring one?" he smirked while readjusting his fighting position. he was now ready to launch himself at the poor megumi who was just existing.

"as a show of my kindness, ill let you off only half death now. so answer me, fushiguro." he spoke again. now getting little by little more impatient as if he was eager to fight. you looked at megumi and he hesitated for a moment.

megumi sighed and opened his mouth while looking down a little, slightly embarrassed by the fact that he was actually answering this. "i dont have a particular preference. as long as she has an unshakeable character, i wont ask for more."

nobara and you looked at megumi who had finally answered and both nodded your head in agreement, satisfied with his answer. even mai smiled a little by his honest reply.

you patted his back twice. "as expected from megumi, good choice." you smiled at him. you saw the corners if his mouth tilt upwards and he smiled, an almost unnoticeable smile. then he sighed once again, but happy by the reaction you had.

"not a bad answer" nobara responded quickly. "if you said something about big boobs, i wouldve killed you." she said with the most innocent smile on her face. megumi tilted his head upwards to look toudou in the eye.

but toudou let a single tear stream down his face. he was crying. "... i knew it..." he spoke almost in a whisper. "youre boring, fushiguro..." his voice laced with utter disappointment.

the three of you knew what was going to come and you took a step forward, slightly in front of megumi to shield him from the upcoming impact. you stood there with your arms shielding you, in a defensive fight mode.

toudou rushed towards the two of you, he didnt care if someone else got caught up in his fight, he could just take care of it.

he extended his left arm and pushed you along with megumi to make the both of you lose balance. your back now pressed against megumis chest and toudous arm pushing all the air out of your lungs.

you gasped at the sudden movement and couldnt breath for a second. but that was nothing in comparison with your 2 month long training.

the two of you got launched backwards by toudous sheer strength. 'god he is strong, and not even using his cursed energy yet.' you thought to yourself.

megumi being the selfless and kind person he is, wrapped both his arms around your waist to get ready for the impact. he curled himself up a little and braced for the fall.

he then pressed his chest even more against your back in hopes you wouldnt take any damage. you guys got send flying for what seemed like an eternity.

as soon as his back made contact with the floor, he let you go. "fushiguro! y/n!" nobara yelled out. as soon as she showed her concern, she got caught by mai, grabbing nobara from behind.

you couldnt hear what mai and nobara were talking about but nobara seemed quite shocked at something. your thoughts got interrupted by toudou who was now walking towards you and megumi as he spoke.

"i knew at first glance that you were a boring man. but i gave you a chance since you should never judge a book by its cover." he continued with pity in himself.

he got closer step by step. "so i went out if my way to ask you." he spoke up again, now with tears streaming down his face. but you couldnt hear any sadness in his voice.

megumi now stood up and asked him. "i heard you dont use any cursed energy?" he was curious to know. toudou wiped his tears with one hand and spoke up "oh that rumor is false. i do use it on special grades." he said without any interest.

you silently gasped while still sitting on the ground. 'so he means to say he defeats first grades without any cursed energy at all.' you reasoned while being shocked at the confession.

"thats a relief to hear!" megumi now said with his voice slightly louder as he was getting ready to fight. he put his hands together to form his infamous hand signs. "nue plus gama" he summoned his shikigami.

you stood up and looked few places on the ground that now seemed to be pitch black. not too long after the summoning, these black places deformed and took shape and eventually formed his shikigami nue and gama.

megumi took a fighting stance and you were standing once again besides him now. you readied you shockwave technique and stood ready to fight.

toudou smirked at the both of you and he spoke. "very well then! lets start this fight!"

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