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a sudden ear deafening roar was heard throughout the entire station as the structure shudders and collapses, the two of you tried to run to the surface as fast as you could, unsure of what was happening in the metro station.

luckily you were left unscanthed, just like your boyfriend. the latter held your hand tightly as the two of you ascended on the stairs in search of a stable ground.

since you two were fairly deep down it took a while, you tried to navigate the route but saw the route you used to come here was blocked off by obstruction.

the entirety of the former hallway was no longer existent, particles of dust flew around as the path was blocked by the collapsed metro station, you saw nothing but rumble, stones, twisted metal and broken tiles in front of you.

the air was thick and there was a lingering scent of dust, making each breath a challenge. the dust made it difficult to see, you squinted your eyes and moved the top of your uniform upwards to cover your mouth and nose, to prevent breathing too much off the unnatural dust.

you furrowed your brows while still holding inumakis hand, you tugged gently on it, indicating that you two should find a new way around the rumble quick.

the only sounds were the distant groans of potentional curses, shifting debris and the muffled cries of civilians who were trapped as well.

the male obeyed and nodded, he understood your message and the two of you turned around and began running in the opposite direction.

if you remembered correctly, there was a special staircase on the floor below you which ascended all the way to the highest floor, the surface.

inumaki had the same plan, he knew every second counted and lead the way as he held your hand tight while running to the level below you two.

as you two ran you heard the occasional sound of a small part of the the ceiling collapsing right behind you, the sound of shattering materials collapsing was ear deafening and non stop.

dust fell through the fallen rumble and blocked your vision, creating a longlasting mist around the already poorly lit metro station.

now on the lowest floor of the metro station you heard less civilians, the two of you ran to the end of the hallway and turned several corners as you were met with a T-like hallway.

on one end was the staircase that ascended all the way to the surface, the other hand you were not sure.

inumaki and you spared no second and immediately turned to the staircase to find a safe ground, away from all the trouble and potentional dangers, you could be buried every second by the rate the metro station was slowly collapsing.

out of curiosity you took a fast turn to the other side of the hallway before you took a step on the stairs, what you saw shocked you to the core.

you saw numerous civilians, they did nothing, absolutely nothing, they were just standing there. 'are they braindead?' you thought to yourself as you took a longer look at them than you should have.

inumaki noticed your declining pace and quickly looked in the direction that caught your attention. he stopped in his tracks, as his gaze landed on the motionless civilians, one of his feet already being on the first stair.

your brows furrowed in shock as you didnt know what to do. "do we help them?" you asked out loud, asking for guidance from inumaki as you recalled the role of a jujutsu sorcerer.

"i... dont know." inumaki spoke up worriedly, he had never seen something like this as well and was unsure what was happening.

it seemed you two had stared a little too long and caught the attention of a certain someone, he had noticed your presence of cursed energy as he was amidst the crowds of civilians.

he started moving, as the only moving figure he was easy to spot through the crowd. the man didnt look very pleased as his brows furrowed in disdain while he set his stoic eyes on you two.

the man was fairly tall with his hair combed back in two high buns, little strands of his hair were spread over his forehead. under his eyes were heavy eye bags which went combined with a mysterious horizontal stripe in the middle of his face.

without hesitation he clasped his hands together, pointing it at the two of you and attacked. "blood manipulation: convergence." he spoke up softly to himself, the two of you unable to hear him.

the moment you saw him clasp his hands together you were ready to counterattack, you steadied yourself and let some droplets of blood fly behind you from your previous cut, unbeknownest to the man.

in a split of a second he had launched an all piercing laser, it was mere inches away from you two.

it all happened incredibly fast, you stretched out your arm and guided the blood droplets to act as a small cover for the both of you.

the cursed energy you had infused in the droplets acted as an extra shield as well, the arrow got into contact with the shield and the two merged upon close contact.

you were confused to see what had happened, not knowing why or who the man was, all you knew was that inumaki dragged you upstairs the moment your shield dropped, grabbing your wrist and running upstairs with you.

you made up your mind and left the random man alone, leaving up to the safe ground with inumaki as you needed new commands and new updates on the situation as fast as possible, it did not look good.

the man was beyond baffled, he looked in shock as he saw the remaining of your shield in a liquid state on the floor.

his gaze landed on your scattering figure, ascending the stairs fastly while he locked his eyes on your disappearing body.

he got closer to it, his thought disorganized as he knew what it was, 'that girl is...' he thought to himself as he hovered over the puddle of your blood.

his eyes were widened, he had never imagined to see you in a situation like this, his mind continued to ramble on, overthinking everything.

the fact you could also use the blood manipulation technique meant only one thing, "my sister..!" he spoke up loudly as he remained looking at your blood, his voice echoing through the metro station.

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