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megumi and kamo both stopped whatever they were doing and started running away. you took this as a sign that inumaki used his technique and let your arms fall to your side again.

now stopping the flow of cursed energy flowing through your ears too. it felt relieving as you had a better understanding about your situation now. not being able to hear really is a handicap even though it was for a short period of time.

right as megumi and kamo ran away, the thick brances collapsed on the place they were in a few seconds ago. the roots created an immense gust of wind and led all kinds of particles flow around.

you shielded your face with one arm to avoid sand getting in your eyes while still running, inumaki did so too.

seeing that there was a dead end on the roof, you spoke out. "inumaki-senpai, lets go!" you looked to him and he nodded.

running towards him, he placed an arm around your shoulder and you grabbed him by the waist down. you focused your techniques in the lower part of your body once again.

you were slightly growing tired now, you had used your techniques a bit too much and were nearing to your limit. you inhaled deeply and launched yourself up in the air, with the violet eyed boy by your side.

when you hit the highest point of your jump, you had to concentrate your shockwave once more in order to break the fall.

you breathed in and out deeply and at a fast rate, trying to get some more energy from yourself in such a short time.

fortunately to you, it worked and you rushed downwards as the gravity pulled you two down. inumaki and you both landed savely and once again the ground under you cracked due to your technique.

you held your knees as you had to catch your breath, you were close to your limit now. inumaki saw you panting and grew concerned, "mustard leaf?" he asked you with worry in his voice.

"im fine, i can manage some more." you said as you tilted your head to look at him, but he didnt seem convinced. you smiled at him and added, "dont worry." in a quiet tone.

you stood straight after you caught your breath and jogged over to where megumi and kamo were standing.

the 4 of you now standing in front of two big doors which were closed, it was the only way of getting out but it was blocked by brances, roots and leaves sticking out of the entrance.

as if it couldnt get any worse, you looked to your side and hanami was standing there, motionless and observing your every move.

the rest of the group seemed to notice the presence too and shifted so the 4 of you were fully facing the special grade cursed spirit.

kamo was the first to speak up, megumi kept quiet as he already expected something like this. inumaki and you had already came in contact with the spirit too, so kamo was the only one slightly surprised.

"why is there a spirit at jujutsu tech?" he asked with confusion laced in his tone, he looked at the creature while still having his eyes closed.

something clicked in megumi and he spoke up too, "probably the curse user working with that cursed spirit." he said annoyed.

you who was standing between megumi and inumaki added on his statement, "inumaki and i already fought it kinda, its awfully strong and almost cant take damage." you spoke while frowning, remembering how your kick didnt do as much as a scratch.

"salmon." inumaki agreed with your information while nodding his head a little, not taking his eyes off the creature in front of him.

megumi took his eyes off the creature and looked down as he spoke, "i think its the special grade cursed spirit that attacked gojo-sensei before." he said in his usual tone.

you perked up and shot your head up at him, "so you think that too?" you were glad you werent the only one thinking that. "im sure its a special grade though." you said while looking at hanami.

the special grade curse was still standing still. so you continued, "it had exorsiced the first grade spirit right in front of my and inumakis eyes." you said while glaring at the curse, wondering why it was so quiet.

megumi and kamo looked at you when you told them what you witnessed, then looked back at the spirit. megumi spoke up while kamo was still processing his thoughts.

"its appearance does match up." he added to make his statement more convincing. "i can even tell from that guys drawing." he continued and he sounded slightly annoyed.

cracking a small smile, you remembered when gojo barged in the common room and showed you, nobara and megumi his sketch and how he 'just' came across two special grade cursed spirits.

he had acted like it was absolutely no big deal at all. gojo really was the strongest jujutsu sorcerer after all, which made you wonder. 'where is he now actually?'

your small smile faded away in almost an instant as you snapped back to reality. the 4 of you intensely watching the curse as it could do anything at any moment, never lowering your guard.

inumaki turned his head towards megumi and spoke up. "tuna with mayo." he said while motioning his hand in a calling sign, he showed it in a fist except his thumb and pinky were out.

"youre right." megumi said while looking from inumaki to his phone that he got out of his pocket. he started dialing a number and spoke up again. "lets contact gojo-sensei."

you visibly relaxed at the thought of gojo coming here and said, "im sure he can take care of this curse in an instant." you spoke up while stretching your arms above your head. you were growing tired from the whole situation.

kamo who was still left in the dark asked confused, "hold on." and you turned your head at him, ready to hear what he would say. "you two can understand him?" he spoke up with confusion in his voice.

"we will explain later." you said to him as you figured it might not be the best time to give him a full explanation of inumakis speech right now.

megumi spoke up while he nodded, "y/n is right, our opponent might use a domain." he retorted and got his phone up to his ear, waiting for gojo to pick up.

he kept going, "maintaining our distance and contacting gojo-sensei will be our-" he couldnt finish his sentence as the special grade seemed to take action.

hanami rushed towards megumi and stood right beside him in an instant, your eyes widened and you tried to warn him. although the cursed spirit was way faster.

you took a step backwards and crouched down while hanami reached out its arm towards megumi. his phone got slapped right out of his hand, the screen had shattered and pieces of glas flew around.

inumaki pulled his collar fully down before the curse had a chance to retreat their arm and the off white haired boy yelled out in a raspy voice, "dont move!"

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