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you felt like you would faint, or vomit, or both. you felt so sick by what you heard. starting to take deep breaths, you tried to not have a panic attack.

'why would they be jealous of her?' you didnt know your relatives much but they would never do such thing, that was what you thought.

it was as if hina read your mind, "they were jealous of her own little family, how successful you all were." she told you and you held your head, trying to calm down. hina was referring to you and your dad.

slowly bending through your knees to sit back down on your chair, you looked up once more to face hina. you tried to wrap your head around it. 'but they would never do such things?' you thought.

"yes they would." hina said in a low voice, whispering. you snapped your head at her as you were clear that you were thinking that just now, you definitely didnt say it out loud.

you tried to find the right words, "im certain... i didnt say that out loud?" you asked confused. she flinched at your comment and spoke up again, "you were mumbling, im sorry for interrupting." the woman said and looked down at the table.

it was quiet for a while, you have calmed down slightly and your eyes were filled with hatred now. you would find them. hina broke the silence, "y/n, i know its alot to take in now." she said.

hina then continued, "you must be tired, why dont you rest here for the night?" she said and tried to give you a gentle smile.

your mind was blank, you didnt know what right or wrong was anymore, all you knew was that you needed sleep. hina stood up and took it as a yes. she motioned you to a certain room and you followed her.

walking behind her in the corridor, she showed you a room. opening the door you realized it was your old room, a coincidence, you thought. it didnt look like it anymore.

you walked inside and hina stayed out, staying in the doorframe, she spoke up, "tomorrow, i can bring you to the graveyard." she said and your mind was reffering to you visiting your mom.

you nodded and she left, shutting the door quietly and you sat on the bed that was once yours. a million questions occupying your mind.

with your phone vibrating, you snapped out of your daze again, you read the notification that came from your screen.

let me know if anything goes wrong.

those words made you remember, you had left a note under gojos door, without adress or anything, he basically couldnt do anything now.

you were a jujutsu sorcerer, your goal was to make a world without curses to you could have a perfect life with your mom and dad, a normal life.

but now without a mom, for two months already, you didnt have a goal anymore. what would you do now then?

thinking hard whether you would quit or not, you heard a door slam and two voices echoed through the house that was previously yours.

"what do you mean you took her in?!" you heard an androgynous voice, not knowing it was male or female.

you then heard a familiar voice, hinas to be exact, "kazumi shut up, lower your voice." she said monotonous and you couldnt hear them after that anymore.

deciding you could care less, you laid down on the bed and made yourself comfortable, staring at the ceiling with tears swelling up in the corners of your eyes again.

refusing to let them fall, you shut your eyes, you hated crying as always, it was a sign of weakness. not long after you had shut your eyes, you fell into a deep sleep.

waking up to the sound of your phone vibrating, you picked it up and were faced with your daily alarm that you set. '6AM.' it read and you wanted to get up.

you wanted to get up, visit your moms grave, be productive, get your mind off the whole situation. but your body wouldnt move. you were too tired from everything that went down in the past 24 hours.

mentally tired, you tilted your head to the side to look around in the dark room. you really didnt feel like doing anything.

then it hit you, you didnt have any other purpose in life anymore, it was all useless. you were working your ass off at jujutsu tech for what? for a brighter future for you and your mom that was.

thinking about your dad, did he even know about you mom? did he even care actually? you didnt know and could care less. he was barely with her anyways.

feeling like crying, you wanted to cry to let it all out but the tears wouldnt come, instead you were met with an awful feeling. it felt as if your throat got shut tight, your breath hitching.

you got a horrible headache and turned to your side. shutting your eyes once more and curling your body in a ball. not feeling like doing anything.

but you didnt sleep, you just looked at the back of your eyelids. and with that, hours passed in the blink on an eye.

you heard footsteps approaching to the room you were in and opened your eyes slowly, grabbing your phone and seeing the countless missed calls and messages from your teammates.

'2.39PM' you noticed the time and slowly sat up straight. now sitting up in your bed, you felt tired again, you wanted to lay back down and engulf yourself in the warm blanket. it felt comforting.

someone knocked on your door, you wanted to speak but but your throat felt incredibly dry. "yes?" you said anyways, ignoring the slight flinch of pain.

hina came in your view, she spoke up while holding the door by its side, "are you ready to go?" she spoke up in a soothing voice.


i know that you guys are not a fan of angst, please bear with me, its for the plot, inumaki will soon appear after around 3 more chapters.

thank you to everyone who stayed after chapter 40 <3

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