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you sighed once more, this day was already long ever since you started writing that letter, it took you around 3 hours to find the right words and finish it.

now without kaito here, you were all by yourself. you sat up and and looked at the clock on your nightstand, 'saturday - 5.58PM" and you widened your eyes.

the time went by faster than you expected, only two more minutes and you could have visitors again. the corners of your mouth curled up at the thought of inumaki, maki and panda visiting you.

that was, of course if they had the time to do so. you were disappointed at the thought of it, sitting up a little straighter and ridding yourself from any unnecessary thoughts.

'of course they would come. theyre not heartless.' you thought to yourself and looked over at the door. right at that moment, you heard footsteps come rushing towards the door.

you waited with widened eyes who it would be, the door slid open way faster than you expected and you smiled widely at the side of who visited you.

"how is my favorite kouhai doing?" maki spoke up while smirking as she was still holding the handle of the door, she walked in and was followed by panda and inumaki.

you were happy that they came, you missed them alot. "maki-senpai!" you spoke up in your still raspy voice. panda noticed and spoke up too, "l/n, dont force yourself too much with your speech." he said as he followed maki inside.

you were shaking your head while saying, "its fine, it doesnt hurt at all." you said as you cleared your throat by coughing right after.

maki looked around in the infirmary and approached a chair, picking it up and walking towards you with it. she placed it next to your bed and took a seat, ready to catch up.

panda did the same, while he was away looking for a chair, inumaki approached you from the side of your bed.

he was hiding something behind his back and you looked at him confused, "kelp!" he greeted you and gave you a closed eyed smile.

you missed that voice alot, even though you only had been awake for two days. letting out a smile you couldnt contain and greeted back, "hello inumaki-senpai." you said while looking up at him.

he then revealed what he had behind his back, "tuna tuna." he spoke up as he extended his arm towards you, holding something.

it was a beautiful amaryllis, just like the one he gave you during your combat with him. but this time it was a pink one rather than a white one. you looked at him and back at the flower in his hand.

you beamed at him and your smile grew wider. maki then spoke up, "he figured that the other flower would have died by now." she said as she put one of her legs over the other, crossing them.

"that is why he wanted to give you a new one." she added to her explanation. inumaki too spoke up, "salmon!" he said as he vigorously shook his head vertically.

you got the flower gently out of his hand into yours, his hands brushing past yours slightly in the process. you looked at the flower in awe and tilted your head upwards towards inumaki.

opening your mouth, you spoke up, "thank you inumaki-senpai!" you said while giving him a smile. panda then came back with one more chair and spoke up.

"toge, this is the last one. do you want it?" he said as he looked at inumaki. "im okay with standing." panda added to his question.

you felt slightly bad that one of them would have to stand and suddenly an amazing idea came into your head. "oh, inumaki-senpai." you said as you looked back up at him.

with the flower still in your hand, you continued, "you can sit here, if you want too." you said in your raspy coma voice as you patted the space on your bed next to you.

right as the words left your mouth, he nodded his head. bending down to take his shoes of, you shifted towards maki to make room for him.

maki and panda were conversing about something and you picked up the words "mechamaru" and "curse" meaning it was most likely they were talking about the event.

inumaki grabbed the covers from your hospital bed, opening them and sat on the edge of your bed. not much later he leaned his back to the wall just like you did.

with your shoulders touching, he sat up a little straighter and placed the covers neatly on the two of you. feeling the warmth radiating from him, you felt more at ease again.

you really missed them all, especially inumaki, it felt nice that they were all here too now.

seeing how maki and panda were still having a conversation on their own, you looked up to your side at inumaki. "inumaki-senpai, how were your injuries?" you said and thought to yourself.

you corrected yourself and spoke up again, "i mean, is it bad?" you asked him as you were concerned about him.

you wanted to know if he got anything serious, if he got any permanent issues or such. he spoke up, "bonito flakes." and zipped his collar fully down to reveal an adorable smile displayed on his lips.

you would always automatically smile whenever he did that, you continued to speak up, "im glad." you breathed out as you looked in front of you again towards maki and panda.

they had just stoppped talking and you took this chance to ask maki, "maki-senpai, what happened with that curse afterwards?" you spoke up in your morning voice.

remembering how you passed out right as she made her arrival, you hoped she would say that she took care of it and that she was okay.

"well..." she said and you assumed the worst, frowning your brows at her and waiting for her to finish.

she spoke up again while looking at you, "with the teamwork we got, we took care of it." she said with a smile on her face. "piece of cake." she added on.

you smiled at her, "as expected." you spoke up as you admired her alot, she was strong and determined, that was exactly what you wanted to be.

"ill tell you the whole story." she said and told you about everything that happened after you passed out together with inumaki.

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