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"okay first of, lets explain what i have in mind." gojo spoke up, looking at you as he fiddled with the objects that he placed in front of you.

he opened his mouth and told you everything, "first we have you shockwave some objects and see if it does something with your blood rush." he said and looked over at nanami.

nanami who was adjusting the fabric around your arm nodded in approval and took over the conversation, "in theory, its highly likely that it will." he added and gojo smiled at him.

"then if it does, we will try it on bigger objects while nanami keeps track of your blood rush and eventually you will try to manipulate your own blood." your sensei said with the biggest smile on his face.

you looked dumbfounded at him, that was one big of a step. nanami noticed your shocked expression and tried to reassure you, "you can do it, maybe youve been clashing your blood molecules all along." he said in a monotonous voice.

nodding your head, you took a deep breath and started with the tests. the first object you had to shockwave on was a metal cube.

you extended your arm to it and placed your hand on top of it, focusing your shockwave while doing so. right as you made contact with the cube, it jumped out of your grip due to the impact.

rolling over onto the floor, it came to a stop and nanami spoke up after checking the status of the monitor, "it indeed became higher but only it the slightest bit." he sighed.

"it woud be considered insignificant." he spoke the harsh truth and you sighed, 'maybe i dont even have their technique.' you thought to yourself.

gojo stood up to pick the cube up and told you to shockwave something bigger, motioning at the table, "shockwave this." he said as he pointed at the table in front of you.

many hours had passed and you started to get seriously tired from all their tests, after the third test they didnt even share their results with you anymore.

wondering why they kept going, nanami finally spoke up, speaking the exact words you wanted to hear, "were done." he said and you visibly relaxed.

panting slightly while you were standing up straight, you were ready to go to the common room to eat something. it was already 2PM after all.

only to be stopped in your tracks, gojo spoke up, "onto the blood tests!" he said and you furrowed your brows. you looked back over your shoulder and turned your body to face them.

tilting your head to the side, you spoke up, "what?" you said while still trying to regulate your breathing. your sensei who was still sitting down looked up at you and opened his mouth.

"according to your results, your blood rush really does rise abnormally when you shockwave stuff." he said while holding his chin, thinking hard about the new data.

"does that mean i have the kamo technique?" you said with glistening eyes and a determined expression on your face.

gojo who was still sitting down now stood up with the new documents in his hand, never taking his eyes of it and inspecting it a little more. he let out a soft, "hmm..." before he gave you a decent answer.

he opened his mouth hesitantly and spoke up, "probably, but we wont be sure unless we see it in action." gojo said and nanami added to his statement, "indeed."

gojo stood straight and put the documents back on the table in front of him, he turned his body to face you and said, "we know you can probably control your own blood molecules." he said as he folded his arms in front of his chest.

"so we will be testing it with your own blood." gojo continued and your eyes widened at his statement. your eyebrows raised and you had to blink twice before you processed it.

nanami spoke up from your side as he was suddenly standing there, "we have to take small steps, l/n. this is crucial." he breathed out as he went back in the storage room to put the sphygmomanometer where it belonged.

"were not sure if you can even manipulate blood yet." gojo spoke up again and you turned your head to the other male. "its just a theory after all, sure we have some data but we still need to actually see it." he continued.

sighing at his comment, you were more than done with all these tests. as if it wasnt enough already, nanami came back from the storage room with a needle in his hand.

"if you have been manipulating blood all the time, then the easiest way to confirm this is to make you do it with something familiar, therefore your own blood." nanami tried to explain to you in the easiest way possible, and you managed to understand now.

nanami motioned you to sit on the edge of a hospital bed and so you did, hoping it would all be over soon. you made yourself conformable and wished you wouldnt faint due to the fact you havent eaten in a while and were tired.

your sensei stood besides him and started crouching down to your sitting level, "are you scared?" he asked you with a teasingly stupid smile. nanami looked over at him with a blank expression.

gojo took this as a sign to stop and waved both his hands in front of his face, "my bad, my bad, continue." he spoke while still smiling as he stood straight again and took a few steps backwards.

nanami, who was now in front of you, sighed and stepped to your side. he spoke up, "can you undo the top of your uniform?" nanami said as he lowered to match your height with the needle in his hand.

"there would be less risk if i take the blood from your upper arm seeing theres more flesh around there." he explained carefully and you nodded at him.

gojo on the other hand took this as a chance to annoy his subordinate even more, "nanami, you pervert!" he yelled out and covered his mouth with his hand to hold in a laugh.

you tried your best to not laugh at the comment and looked to the side while slightly smiling, trying your best to hold in your laugh.

after you had calmed down slightly, you unbuttoned the three highest buttons of your uniform which revealed a black short sleeved shirt. you got your arm out of the fabric and nanami positioned himself besides you.

right after he did, you felt a sharp pain on your upper arm, it only was for a split second as the pain sufficed again and nanami put a bandage on your arm.

astounded, you spoke up, "that was fast." you commented and nanami walked away with the needle which was filled with your blood. he spoke up, "i have experience." he said without looking at you.

he then got half of the blood which was first in the needle, now in a small sized petri dish. you got up to walk towards the table where the petri dish was placed and gojo spoke up.

"now lets see if you can manipulate it." he said and showed you a small smile. you were ready to find out and stood besides the table, your arm extended towards the dish.

you breathed out and spoke up, "yea, lets see." you said determined.

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