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inumaki approached the curse slowly, not taking his eyes off hanami. he walked right past you and paid no attention to his surroundings whatsoever.

megumi who was standing slightly in front of inumaki, groaned and tried to summon one more of his shikigami after his nue got taken down.

his hands were shaking vigorously as he finally realized how dangerous the opponent actually was, his nue and comrade almost got taken down in a single shot.

inumaki put one of his hands on megumis shoulder and pushed him to the side. you watched him from behind and didnt have the slightest clue of what he would do.

the blood from your stomach didnt stop flowing either, every second you lost more and more blood. kamo who was besides you tried to treat your wound but figured he couldnt do much at the moment.

he wasnt a doctor after all and most of your organs had been slightly rearranged, he had no experience in this field but tried anyways.

he told you to sit down and not make any unnecessary movement. you obeyed him as you thought it would be the smartest to do too. you were getting lightheaded from all the blood loss.

you reached your limit as well, which made you even more tired. you couldnt think straight and suddenly heard megumi let out a gasp.

you snapped your head up at the sound and saw inumaki standing right in front of the curse. your eyes widened at the sight.

not wanting him near the curse as you just almost died, you feared what hanami would do to your senpai. with blood dripping down inumakis mouth from his throat. you got reminded that he too neared his limit.

kamo was now looking at inumaki too, with both his eyes open and widened. your mouth had slightly parted as well and you didnt want him to fight.

everyone had their attention shifted to the angry off white haired boy. inumaki tilted his head upwards slightly so he could face hanami fully.

his teeth were gritted and his eyebrows furrowed. he then opened his mouth and that is when it dawned upon you. inumaki was going to use his technique once more.

you widened your eyes even more in horror and saw the blood dripping even more from his mouth, he really was going to use his cursed speech once again, completely ignoring the fact that he had reached his limit.

standing up as fast as you could, getting dizzy nonetheless, you ran towards him to make him stop. the results of him going over his limit could be fatal.

with your shoes clashing on the tiles of the roof, you ran, ignoring kamo who yelled at you for moving and losing more blood.

you covered the hole from your stomach with one arm and ran even faster. hoping to be able to stop inumaki before he made any fatal move.

hair flowing behind you as you begged your legs to move faster, you knew you reached your limit but would try anyways. which was a stupid decision since you were at your limit and were suffering from an untreated fatal wound.

focusing your technique in your legs once again, and this time for sure for the last time. with all the cursed energy you could muster you were ready to jump.

you launched yourself at inumaki, flying mid air and immediately feeling the impact of your decision. tasting the iron in your saliva and then blood dripping from the corner of your mouth.

megumi who you rushed past saw what was about to happen, his eyes widened and tried to grab your wrist, but you were too fast for him. he tried to hold you back, "y/n! inumaki-senpai! thats enough!" he said with a raised voice.

not caring about the blood nor megumi, you yelled out, "inumaki!" as you neared towards him. but right before you even landed on the roof, the words already left his mouth.

"blast away!" he screamed out in his raspy voice, you heard the strain in his voice and it was clear that he overdid it.

hanami flew to the back an landed with a hard thud in the roof. the curse came in contact with the tiles and they all shattered across. dust flying in the air along with tiny pieces of the roof.

inumaki really was powerful, you looked at him and right after he said those words, his head shot up and blood came spilling out of his mouth.

he fell on to his knees and let out a painful groan, blood still flowing at a constant rate from his mouth, it didnt seem to stop anytime soon.

you were behind him and held onto his shoulder now, "inumaki-senpai!" you spoke, he snapped back to his senses and turned around, still on his knees.

right at that moment, you felt that familiar sting of unbearable pain in your stomach again. you crouched down before inumaki and he looked at your stomach in horror.

you held his face and wiped the blood that was streaming from his mouth away, but with no avail. your hands fell down onto his shoulders.

as you both were kneeling down, you held onto his shoulders and he was holding on the side of both your arms.

looking at him in the orange-ish and soon to be red-ish hue of the sunset you saw in his eyes that he had used his last ounce of strength and so did you. his grip on your arms loosened and your grip on his shoulders did too.

feeling lightheaded, you fell forward onto inumakis chest, he held you tightly as your vision became blurry and you shut your eyes.

you tried to stay awake but the amount of blood you lost was fatal, you couldnt move as your body wasnt receiving enough oxygen anymore due to the lost amount of hemoglobin.

feeling inumaki shift as he slowly laid down on the roof with you, he felt tired too and his vision became dark, his body wouldnt listen to his mind anymore and his eyes shut down.

you tried to fight for your consciousness as hard as you could, you couldnt lose here now. at that moment you heard the familiar voice of your only female senpai, "am i late?" maki yelled out in her strong voice.

feeling relieved, you knew help finally came and let your unconsciousness slowly take over your entire body while laying on inumakis chest.

the two of you passed out together in peace on the red tinted roof after the both of you surpassed your limits at the same time.

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