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she told you everything, how the goverment decided to publicly announce the existence of curses, the jujutsu sorcerers that have passed, everything about the civilians that resides in shibuya.

the suffering continued, nanami had passed, maki was currently residing in a secluded area of a different infirmary directly next to shibuya, panda was getting repaired by the principal himself and inumaki was undergoing medic rehabilitation for his arm.

but also how mahito, geto and choso managed to escaped, unknown if they were in crucial state or not.

you had greatly underestimated the entire incident, you thought it was just like any other mission, how wrong you were.

the shibuya incident had altered the world entirely, the sealing of your teacher satoru gojo has overturned the balance of the world as well, nothing would be the same anymore.

shoko had patiently answered every question you had, explaining to you what had happened and how everything took place.

the sun started slowly setting as time passed, the orange and red hue of the remaining sunlight shining through the window, getting dimmed by the closed curtains.

"as for the reverse cursed technique." she spoke up, her hands laying on the frame of your bed as she leaned into you, making sure you could hear her properly.

the faintest smile was made on her features, curling the sides of her mouth upwards, "i would like to take you as my disciple when the time is right." she continued speaking.

her eyes lingered on you, after she had dried your tears she saw what were the remains of someone who had just lost two dear friends of hers, she found it familiar.

"of course, after everything settled." she spoke, her voice soothing as it calmed you down from the situation. the thoughts in your head never stopped but were calmed by your school doctor.

you nodded slowly, meeting her eyes as you diverted your gaze to her. if it was not for the two hour long talk with her you would still have had a mental breakdown.

she knew what you needed was rest, she was your doctor after all. slowly the woman stood up and shoved her chair back, the plastic material grazing over the floor.

"please rest, for now." she spoke as she set a batch of medication next to you. "these are to be taken every time you wake up." she gave you final instructions.

with that she had left, turning her body to move to the door, your eyes were tired, your head hurted and you knew it would be better to rest and sleep so your mind could take a break as well.

shoko opened the door, leaving the infirmary as she was immediately greeted by a shorter male, she looked down at the white haired male as he had a tired look on his features.

she looked surprise when she saw him, he wasnt supposed to be here at the moment as you needed your rest. it pained her to follow the rules as she knew you needed a form of closure as well.

shoko sighed, turning around to make sure you didnt see the violet eyed boy as she took a step outside the infirmary while sliding the door closed behind her.

she stood in the hallway with inumaki as she spoke up, "i have told her everything." she told inumaki as she had a tired tone in her voice.

"please allow her to rest, when she wakes up you can see her." she said, following the protocol of the jujutsu tech infirmary rules.

inumaki furrowed his brows, he wanted to disagree and speak up but his throat was still in bad condition ever since the shibuya incident, he had not spoken in three days to let his body recover.

shoko knew he wanted to see you, she glanced at the boy, her eyes trailing over his previously cut off arm that was now fully wrapped in bandages and jujutsu sigils.

she took a deep breath, "lets go back to revalidating." she spoke as she guided the boy to go back to his own room in the infirmary, which was about three rooms away on the opposite side of the corridor.

"she is doing good." shoko commented to the white haired boy walking tiredly besides her to his own room, his eyes shot to shoko the moment she spoke those words. a wave of relief hit him as half his problems were solved with those four words.

he smiled, after days of worrying he received his first form of information about you, it was classified for too long he couldnt stand it.

shoko knew she was not allowed to tell inumaki yet, she knew your condition could worsen or become better as you were still unstable, it is not allowed to give false hope but shoko believed in you, she knew your condition wouldnt worsen.

the taller woman darted her eyes to inumaki for a second, she saw his faint smile as he received the news and smiled to herself as well.

the walk to his own room was silent, the sound of shokos heels clashing against the floor echoed through the hallway, you could hear it all the way in your own room.

you were already sound asleep, the two hour long crying made your eyes shut immediately the moment shoko had left, your head hurted as you furrowed your brows, sleeping in the hospital bed.

there was a small gap between the curtains, letting a little bit of orangish hue from the outside sunset shine into your room.

"i can see her." an unknown voice said as he peaked through the curtain gap, looking through the window and seeing you sound asleep in your bed.

he reached his hand out to his face, touching it and changing the shape of his soul as he enlarged his eye to stimulate his vision.

the male hummed as he gave the information to his comrade, "she looks distressed." he said as he saw how your brows were furrowed even in your sleep.

"then they must have given her the news already." the other male spoke up as he turned his body around, walking back to lower themselves from the high building they were standing on.

the male who was looking at you returned his face to normal as he heared the retreating steps of his comrade. "geto! wait up!" he hurriedly said as he ran after him.

"we still have to comfirm the status of fushiguro megumi." he spoke up in his usual monotone voice, his tone lacking of worry.

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